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Course Analytics and Reports

You can access data and various reports under the Analytics tab on your Blackboard course, to find out more about your students’ performance, and level of engagement and interaction with your course. The Analytics tab is on the navigation bar at the top of your course page:

Analytics tab

Under Course Activity, you’ll see a list of your students, and information about their missed due dates, hours spent in the course, and number of days since they last accessed the course. From here you can set filters, send messages to students, and download this page as a CSV file, for sharing or analysing outside of Blackboard:

Course Activity tab and features. Filter, Alert settings, message and download.

Please note that ‘Overall Mark’ is switched off at the University of Reading, therefore the corresponding column will not be populated with students’ marks, and it is not possible to set alerts based on overall marks.

Under ‘Alert Settings’, you can set alerts to identify and be notified in your Activity Stream about students who have missed submission deadlines, or haven’t accessed the course for a specific number of days, in case you might like to give them extra support:

Alert Settings panel

By clicking on a students’ name non the Course Activity page, you can see the Student Dashboard for that student. This is where you can:

  • see all of their submissions and marks
  • monitor their progress through the course (See our guide on Progress Tracking)
  • leave private notes for other teaching staff to see – please remember, students can request to see these notes at any point, under the Freedom of Information Act.
  • and access the Student Activity Log, where you can access data on the student’s course access and engagement with your course.
Student Dashboard overview

Under the next tab along, Question Analysis provides statistics on overall performance, assessment quality, and individual questions for Blackboard tests. This information can be accessed by running a report for each test:

Question Analysis tab

Once you’ve run the report, you can open it and see information like question discrimination and difficulty, overall student performance for each question, and whether a question might need reviewing:

Question Analysis test report

Guide last updated on October 21, 2024

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