If you wish to retain author names (attached to posts) when copying or importing padlets, then you must ensure the post authors are members of the institutional Padlet license before using the import function.
If you have used a different email address for your paid (or freemium) Padlet account, compared to your university Padlet account, then you can either:
- Option 1: Contact Padlet Customer Support to request the padlets are transferred into your university account.
- Option 2: Make a record of the padlet links, logout of your paid (or freemium) account, login to your university account and visit the links you have stored. Once visited (i.e. the padlets are open) you can use the Remake button to make a copy of each padlet (these copies will populate in your university account).
If you used the same email address for your paid (or freemium) account and university account, you can either:
- Option 1: Copy your padlets (instead of transferring them), by using the Remake button
- Option 2: Transfer (import) your padlets:
Here are the steps to transfer (import) padlets between accounts registered with the same email address:
- Log in to padlet.com, toggle to your paid (or freemium) account.
- Open your Made by Me folder

3.Click the vertical three-dot ellipsis button (…) in the bottom corner of the padlet’s thumbnail and choose Transfer padlet.

4. Pick your Padlet for Schools account from the menu and your padlet will automatically transfer.
To transfer multiple padlets from your personal account to your Padlet for Schools account at the same time,
you can use the multi-select feature.
Guide last updated on February 4, 2025