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Third Party Tools

Most third party tool are available under Content Market or Institutional Tools, These tools are also known as LTI Tools (Learning Tools Interoperability®)

YuJa Connector

What is the YuJa Connector tool? The YuJa Connector feature allows for better integration between Blackboard Collaborate and your YuJa Media Library. Recordings taken in Collaborate scheduled Sessions will now seamlessly transfer to YuJa, saving users time and providing an improved storage solution for your digital teaching and learning resources. Additionally, since the Policy for

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YuJa: Accessing Central University Video Resources in YuJa

You can access central university video resources (such as Library or Study Advice guides) via the Shared area within YuJa. Click a YuJa link in any Blackboard module, or visit reading.yuja.com directly and access the Shared area (where you can find the Channels for your modules). Central video resources are stored under the ‘Shared Folders’

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