Once a video is in your My Media area in YuJa, you’ll be able to make it available to students, staff, or other users. This guide explains how to:
- 1. Make classroom capture recordings available
- 2. Make personal capture videos available
- 3. Share permissions on YuJa videos with colleagues
- 4. Share a video link with colleagues and external examiners
If this is your first time using YuJa, or you’re working with a new course in Blackboard, please refer to our page, Set up YuJa for first-time use.
1. Make classroom capture recordings available
You should only make classroom capture recordings available to students via the YuJa course channel in Blackboard. They should not be embedded or linked-to in the course content. This will prevent them being shared with future cohorts if content is copied.
Channels ensure your students can access all videos related to your module in one place.
Students can access the course channel by clicking on a Videos (YuJa channel) link in the Blackboard module:

How to publish to a course channel
- Locate the video in your My Media area.
- Hover your cursor over the video to bring up the menu and click Publish to open the Publish Video panel.

- Use the Search Media Channels function or scroll through the available options to find a Channel to publish to.
- Click to add it to Selected Channels. You can publish to multiple Channels at the same time from this panel.
- Click Select to publish your video to the chosen Channels.

If a channel is not listed for your module, please ensure you’ve linked the module by following the steps in our guide, Set up YuJa for first-time use.
Classroom capture or videos with students present are not suitable for sharing beyond the module for which they were recorded.
2. Make personal capture videos available
Personal Capture YuJa videos, such as screencasts, should be added to the course channel so that students have access to all videos in one easy-to-find place. You can then embed, or link-to, your personal capture videos in your Blackboard course to provide further context if you wish.
Do not upload video files directly to Blackboard. Video files often exceed Blackboard’s file size limits.
Add personal capture videos to course content areas in Blackboard
- Click on the Learning Materials module to expand it.
- Click on the weekly content folder where the video will be.
- Hover where you wish to place the video and click on the purple plus icon which appears.
- Choose Content Market.

5. Choose Insert Video (YuJa):

6. The search bar and filter funnel gives various search options to help you find your video. You’ll be able to insert YuJa videos which you own, any videos which have been shared with you, as well videos from any YuJa channel where you are an instructor.
For more-detailed help on using the search and filter features, see our guide YuJa – Search your videos with the filter search:

Add personal capture videos to an Ultra Document
Adding screencasts or other personal capture videos to an Ultra Document is ideal when you’d like students to see a video in the context of other related content. For example, a video you’d like students to watch before a lecture, together with the handouts and lecture slides for context. A video added to an Ultra Document appears as an embedded object:

- In your Ultra Document, click the purple plus icon at the point at which you’d like to insert the video.
- Choose Add Content.
- Click the black plus icon on the toolbar.
- Choose Content Market.
- Click on the Insert video (YuJa) tile and select the video(s) to insert.

3. Share permissions on YuJa videos with colleagues in the University
You can share a personal capture YuJa video with someone in the organisation and set certain viewing and access permissions. Access these settings in the Share Panel in YuJa:

This will show which YuJa users already have access to the video and allows you to give three levels of access:
- Read Only: Allow the user to access and view the media.
- Edit Access: Allow the user to access, make changes to the media, as well as publish to further modules.
- Full Access: Allow the user to access, make changes, delete media, as well as publish to further modules.

The recipient will receive an email containing a link to the video and will be able to access it via the Shared with Me area of their My Media panel in YuJa:

Classroom capture or videos with students present are not suitable for sharing beyond the module for which they were recorded.
4. Share a video link with colleagues at the University
You can also share videos with anyone with a University of Reading email address by sending them a direct link. This is a recommended solution for sharing video links with external examiners. They will be asked to authenticate with their University credentials (ab123456@reading.ac.uk) before they can view your video.
- Hover over the video to trigger the menu option. Choose More.
- You can access a video’s direct link by opening the Media Details panel and accessing the Links tab

Classroom capture or videos with students present are not suitable for sharing beyond the module for which they were recorded.
Guide last updated on November 11, 2024