Home / Third Party Tools / YuJa (Learning Capture) / Make videos available with YuJa

Make videos available with YuJa

Once a video is in your My Media area in YuJa, you’ll be able to make it available to students, staff, or other users. This guide explain how to:

Set up YuJa for new Blackboard modules or first-time users
Publish to your module channel (for students to see)
Add videos to the Learning Materials area in Blackboard
Add videos to an Ultra Document
Get a video link (for sharing with colleagues and external examiners)

Publish to your module channel (for students to see)

Channels are collected playlists of videos that are available to all users on a module from within YuJa. Any videos you want to make available to your students can be added to your module’s Channel. Students will access the Channel by clicking on a Videos (YuJa channel) link in the corresponding Blackboard module.

Set up YuJa for new Blackboard modules or first-time users

  • If you are working with a new module on Blackboard, or this is your first time publishing to a module’s channel, please click on the Blackboard module’s Video (YuJa channel) link in Blackboard before continuing:

This will create the channel (if one doesn’t already exist) and ensure the right module codes are listed when you publish.

    Publish to a module channel

    It is recommended that you publish recordings of Interactive Sessions to your module’s Channel, rather than embedding them in your Blackboard module. Adding a video to a Channel allows your students to find all videos related to your module in one place. It also offers additional insights when using analytics. To publish a video to a module’s Channel:

    • Locate the video in your My Media area.
    • Hover your cursor over the video to bring up the menu and click Publish to open the Publish Video panel.
    YuJa video with mouse hovered to bring up menu and Publish option highlighted
    • Use the Search Media Channels function or scroll through the available options to find a module Channel to publish to.
    • Click to add it to Selected Channels. You can publish to multiple module Channels at the same time from this panel.
    • Click Select to publish your video to the chosen Channels.
    Publishing panel with Search area and Selected Channels areas highlighted

    Embed in Blackboard

    Personal Capture YuJa videos can also be embedded or added to a Learning Module or Ultra Document. Videos files should not be uploaded directly to Blackboard.

    Add videos to the Learning Materials area in Blackboard

    1. Click on the Learning Materials module to expand it.
    2. Click on the weekly content folder where the video will be.
    3. Hover where you wish to place the video and click on the purple plus icon which appears.
    4. Choose Content Market.

    Add videos to an Ultra Document

    Adding videos to an Ultra Document is ideal when you’d like students to see a video in the context of other related content. For example, a video you’d like students to watch before a lecture, together with the handouts and lecture slides for context. A video added to an Ultra Document appears like this:

    1. In your Ultra Document, click the purple plus icon at the point at which you’d like to insert the video.
    2. Choose Add Content.
    3. Click the black plus icon on the right end of the toolbar.
    4. Choose Content Market.
    5. Click on the Insert video (YuJa) tile and select the video(s) to insert.

    Share YuJa videos with colleagues and External Examiners

    You can share a YuJa video with someone in the organisation by opening the Share Panel in YuJa:

    This will show which YuJa users already have access to the video and allows you to give three levels of access:

    • Read Only: Allow the user to access and view the media.
    • Edit Access: Allow the user to access, make changes to the media, as well as publish to further modules.
    • Full Access: Allow the user to access, make changes, delete media, as well as publish to further modules.
    Share Access showing full read only or edit permissions

    The recipient will receive an email containing a link to the video and will be able to access it via the Shared with Me area of their My Media panel in YuJa:

    Shared with Me folder

    You can also share videos with anyone in the organisation by sending them a direct link. They will be asked to authenticate with their University credentials (ab123456@reading.ac.uk) before they can view your video.

    1. Hover over the video to trigger the menu option. Choose More.
    2. You can access a video’s direct link by opening the Media Details panel and accessing the Links tab

    Guide last updated on April 19, 2024

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