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Question Banks

Question Banks are a collection of questions that can be used to create Tests and Pools within Tests. Please see our guide on Using Question Banks and Pools for further information on how they can be used in your Tests.

Locating Question Banks

The link to the Question Banks area is on the Details & Actions menu visible from the Course Content area on your Ultra course.

Click Manage banks to open the Question Banks page. This page lists all Question Banks on your course.

When creating a Test you can locate the Question Banks via the Pools or Reuse Questions options. From that view you can use all or some of the questions in your Question Bank. See our guide on Using Question Banks and Pools for further information.

Creating Question Banks

Follow the Question Banks link in the Details & Actions menu and go to the Questions Banks page, from this page you will be able to manage your Question Banks.

All Question Banks will be listed here whether they have been copied as Pools from an original course or created on the course.

To create a new Question Bank click on the purple plus sign icon and select New (a) from the menu. A New Question Bank canvas will open.

  • Give your new question bank a name by editing the default name (c)
  • Build your question bank by adding questions from the full range of question types (d)
  • Add questions already on the course to your question bank by selecting the Reuse questions function (e)

It is also possible to import a zip file (b) of questions exported from a Blackboard original course

Adding Questions

There are several question types in Blackboard Tests. You may choose to add any of them to your question bank.

  • Multiple Choice Questions
  • True/False Questions
  • Essay Questions
  • Matching Questions
  • Fill in the Blank Questions
  • Hotspot Questions
  • Calculated Formula Questions
  • Calculated Numeric Questions

For details on each question type please see the Blackboard Help guides on Question Types.

Reuse Questions

In the Reuse Questions page you will be able to select questions from other question banks and tests on the course.

  • The list of Sources are under the sub-heading Assessments (f) all the tests on the course and Question Banks (g)
  • Select the questions you require and click copy questions (i)
  • Once the questions have been copied you will be returned to the question bank canvas (j)
  • A success banner will show how many questions have been successful added to the question bank (k)
  • To add more questions use the purple plus sign to add questions or reuse additional question (l)

In the question bank canvas you may use the filters provided to view the question bank by question type or by using the keyword search (m)

Importing Question Banks

It is possible to import question banks. You will only be able to import zip files that were created by exporting a pool from a Blackboard original course.

Create and export an original pool

It is not possible to export an Ultra question bank, please use the copy function for moving questions banks from Ultra course to Ultra course.

  • In your original Blackboard course go to the Control Panel/Course Tools/Test, Pools and Surveys/ and then select Pools.
  • In the Pools page select Build Pool from the top menu.
  • Give your pool a meaningful name.
  • In the Pool Canvas use the Find Questions function to locate the test you wish to convert into a pool.
  • Select the questions you wish to include and click Submit.
  • The questions will be added to the Pool Canvas, click OK at the bottom of the screen to save.
  • Return in to the Pools page where your new pool will be listed.
  • Click on the grey chevron icon and select Export to Local Computer from the menu.

The pool will download as a zip file.

Import a question bank (pool) in an Ultra course

In the question banks page select Import from file from the purple plus sign menu.

Select a zip file with the prefix Pool_ExportFile_. It is not possible to import Tests into your ultra course.

The file will load and add the pool to the list of question banks. You will be able to open the question bank to check the question settings and may and changes you require.

Copying Question Banks

To move question banks from a Blackboard original course or from another Ultra course you can use the Copy function in your Ultra course.

To start the copying process either:

  • Click on the purple plus sign anywhere on the Course Content to open the ad content menu, select Copy Content (n).
  • Open the course menu by clicking on the three dot menu at the top of the Course Content, select Copy Items (o).
  • In the Copy Items page locate the course you wish to copy from and click on the course title to drill down to the content.
  • All content areas on the course will appear as folders.
  • If there are any pools/question banks on the course they will be in the folder named Question Banks.
  • Inside the question banks folder select the pool/question bank you wish to copy.
  • Click start copy.

Once the copy has completed the copied pool/question bank will appear on the list on the Question Banks page.

For further guidance please see our guide on Using Question Banks and Pools on how they can be used in your Tests.

Guide last updated on September 27, 2024

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