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The School Leader role in Blackboard

The School Leader role in Blackboard is an administrator role designed for SDTLs, DDTLs, SDATs and other senior School staff, to enable you quickly and easily to access any course in your School or Department.

Accessing courses

Once assigned the role, you will see the Admin option on the Blackboard Menu. Navigate to this tab and click on Courses.

Blackboard menu with Admin circled
Administrative Tools page

You can search for any course in your School / Department, by course name or module / programme code.

Course search screen
  1. Search by Course ID or Course Name.
    Truncation is applied automatically
    e.g. ‘cognit’ will return hits for courses containing ‘cognition’ and ‘cognitive’; ‘PY2TA’ will return results also for PY2TA1, PY2TA2 etc.
  2. Select Contains / Equal to / Starts with
  3. Enter the search term
  4. To narrow the search results, you may find it helpful to search for courses created After a certain date
    e.g. to find 2024/25 courses search for courses created after 1st April 2024
  5. Search results are sorted by Course ID. You can click on any of the column headings to reorder the results.
  6. Course unavailable icon indicates that the course is Unavailable to students.
  7. Child course icon indicates that this is a Child course. The Parent course is indicated immediately above.
  8. Disabled course icon indicates a course which has been disabled – normally this indicates either a very old course, or that the course was created in error.

Simply click on the highlighted Course ID to access the course itself.

Blackboard Ultra courses

You should be able to view most content on the course without enrolling.

If you do need to enrol yourself

  • go to Class register on the Details and Actions menu:
    Screenshot of class register link
  • Click on the plus icon in the top right hand of the Class Register screen.
  • The Enrol People panel will appear.
  1. Enter your name or username in the search box
  2. Click on the + sign and select the desired role from the dropdown list.
    We recommend that you enrol yourself as Teaching Assistant – that way you will not appear in the Course Staff list that is visible to students.
  3. Press Save.

Please note: currently you will not be able to unenrol yourself from the course, but Blackboard are releasing additional functionality in the next few months which will make this possible.

Blackboard Original courses

You may initially see an error message, but simply click on the + Quick Enrol button to gain full access to the course. You will be enrolled as an Instructor.

Quick enrol button

If you subsequently want to remove yourself from the course, just click the  x Quick Unenrol button.

Quick Unenrol button

Accessing Organisations

You can follow the same procedure to access any Organisations which have been associated with your School.

Guide last updated on September 25, 2024

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