If your test is automatically marked Students will be able to receive their results at the time set for this.
If there are questions that require marking such as essay type questions, then you will need to mark these before an overall mark can be calculated.
- Access the Submitted Tests
- Marking view options
- Adding Marks and Feedback
- Knowing how students perform
Access the submitted tests
- Open the test by
- clicking on the test title in the Course Content, when the Test opens click on the submissions tab in the top menu bar
- Or click on the Test in the Gradebook markable items view, this will open in the Submissions tab

- You can choose to filter this view by marking status.
4. Select a student from the filtered list by clicking on their name or the “x attempt to mark” status.
Marking view options
When the marking screen opens there will be some options in the top left-hand corner that can change your view of the questions.
- (a) You may choose to mark by Students or Questions
- (b) The tab you are working in (Students or Questions) will be denoted by a purple underline
- (c) You can adjust the marking status filter while in the marking screen
- (d) You may choose to “show marked responses”.
- (e) The “attempts to mark” setting will display – if you wish to edit this setting, this is done via the test settings.
- (f) A note will inform you if the questions were randomly ordered for students

Mark by Students
You can choose to mark by student – marking all test questions per student.
- (g) Sort icon – choose how you wish to sort the students while marking.
- (h) Questions appear in the centre of the screen.
- (i) The attempt drop down menu allows you to select any of the attempts made by the student.
- (j) Add general test feedback using the text editor – full range of formatting options including video and audio feedback.
- (k) Save your feedback.

Mark by Question
Please note: mark by questions is not available while anonymity is on.
You may choose to mark per Question – marking all of one question per student (i.e. the Essay question, which requires a manual mark).
- (l) Click on the question you wish to mark. All the students responses to that question will appear in the centre of the screen.
- (m) Next and Previous arrows allow you to move on to the next question.
- (n) Where there are a number of attempts it is possible to select previous attempts via the dropdown list.
- (o) Manually add the mark for the question by overriding the zero in the black pill marking field.

Adding Marks and Feedback
Adding marks
Where you need to mark a manually marked question, such as an essay question, add the mark to the grade box.
Once all the questions have a mark the overall mark will calculate and automatically appear in the overall mark field in the top right-hand corner.
Add Mark to an essay question

Overall mark will populate automatically

Marks appear next to the relevant attempt

Add per question feedback
The option to provide per question feedback is available in either the by student or by question view.
- (p) Feedback per question option.
- (q) Add mark to pill box field.
- (r) Add feedback to the text editor, including video and audio feedback.
- (s) Save changes.
- (t) Download attached paper.

Add overall feedback (by students view only)
- (u) Attempts listed in drop down list.
- (v) Feedback via full text editor including audio and video options.
- (w) Overall mark will be calculated and automatically update when all the manually marked questions are given a mark (can be overridden).
- (x) Save any changes to feedback.

Add audio and video feedback
It is possible to add audio and video feedback in the overall feedback or the per question feedback.
In the text editor select the video icon and a small pop-up window will appear prompting you to start the recording.

- Click on the record button and the recording will start.
- There is a maximum length limit of 5 minutes.
- During your recording you can use the pause option if required.
- Once completed stop the recording and Save changes for the Feedback.
- The recording will be available for students when they open their feedback.

Please Note: Student will only be able to see feedback per question if you have allowed them to view their submission and feedback via the test settings.
Knowing how students performed
You can choose to have a quick look over the rest of the student’s test to see how they have done, and change any marks where questions demand.
- Student activity
- Question Analysis
You can view the general student activity for the test

or look at the question analysis for the overview of test performance.

Guide last updated on November 28, 2024