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YuJa Blackboard Assignments

This guide covers aspects of submitting to a Blackboard Assignment, however the same process can be applied to other Blackboard assessment tools where the text-editor is available, such as Journals, and Discussion Boards.

Video assignments (students submit video files)

For assessments where students need to produce a video, they must upload the video to YuJa, and then submit it to a Blackboard assignment. They cannot upload the video file direct to Blackboard.

You do not have to make any changes to the setup of the Blackboard assignment in order for students to be able to submit from YuJa, although you will need to give students precise instructions on what they should submit, and how.

The workflow for students is

  • Create the video using appropriate software.
  • Upload the video to their YuJa Media Library.
  • Access the Blackboard assignment. Instead of uploading a file, click on Insert Content (+ sign) on the editing toolbar.
  • Choose Content Market then YuJa Media Chooser to locate and select their video in YuJa.
  • Submit the assignment attempt.
  • The video remains in YuJa but can now be accessed by markers via Blackboard; once submitted the student’s video is locked and cannot be edited in YuJa.

Formative assignments

Create a Blackboard assignment as normal.

Provide clear guidance to students, to include

    1. What students have to do, what video creation tools they could/should use
    2. How to upload their video to YuJa
    3. How to embed their YuJa video into Blackboard assignment – link to our student help guide: YuJa for assessment
    4. How to resubmit (if allowed)

Summative assignments

The Blackboard assignment will be created automatically via the EMA integration:

Apply the correct settings for the assignment as normal.

Provide clear guidance to students, to include

    1. What students have to do, what video creation tools they could/should use
    2. How to upload their video to YuJa
    3. How to embed their YuJa video into Blackboard assignment – link to our student help guide: YuJa for assessment
    4. How to resubmit (if allowed)

Accessing and Marking submitted videos

After submission, you can access work submitted to the Blackboard assignment as normal through the Gradebook.

The student’s video renders in the marking area (once the video has been processed by YuJa – there could be a delay if they uploaded the video to YuJa very close to the assignment deadline).

You can’t use Blackboard Annotate to annotate the video, but can use other Blackboard feedback and marking tools, including a Rubric, and Feedback to Learner.

YuJa video submitted to a Blackboard assignment - marker view

After moderation, the programme administrator can release marks to students, and send marks to RISIS as normal.

Guide last updated on June 2, 2023

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