
Tales From The Archives

Guy Baxter and Miriam Gibson, from the University of Reading’s Archive Services, share the captivating archives that bring our University’s history to life. The University of Reading has a storied past, evolving from a University of...

Saying Yes

The University of Reading is proud of its long-running participation in YES [Your Entrepreneurs Scheme] – an innovative global competition developed to raise awareness among postgraduate students and researchers as to how research can be...

Disability History Month 2024

Discover the range of events being hosted in-person and online by the University of Reading and the Reading Students’ Union in honour of Disability History Month 2024. Make Your Own Kind of Music: Being Autistic and Navigating Life Thursday 14...

Latest News

Graduates throwing mortarboards

Graduation Across The Ages

Once Reading, always Reading. No matter whether you graduated last year, or 50 years ago, you’re still a part of the University of Reading. To celebrate the 2023 Summer Graduations, we asked our alumni community...

Weather Vane

Meteorology and Climate Science Courses

Sign-up for online courses to train in Meteorology and Climate Science at University of Reading. You will be supported by internationally-renowned academic staff in the University’s Department of Meteorology, the only...

Park House at the University of Reading

Alumni Reunited

Three decades since they first met at the University of Reading, over 70 alumni reunited at Whiteknights Campus on Saturday 1 July 2023. We were lucky enough to get a sneak peek at their celebrations.  Dan Brown, who...

A banner reading 'Volunteers Week' with two volunteers in high-vis jackets facing away from camera

Celebrating Our Volunteers

“Ordinary people, doing extraordinary things” – Dr Nancy Mudenyo Hunt’s words from the Celebration of Volunteering Awards remind us of the huge impact volunteering has. In celebration of...

Phebe staring at the camera, sat outside

Students In Crisis

The cost of living crisis is hitting students especially hard. More than one in four students at Reading are from low-income households and those students are vulnerable. This year, requests for help are higher than...

Group of musicians on stage at University of Reading

Bringing University And Town Together

Thousands of visitors attended the University of Reading’s first ever Community Festival, held on the Whiteknights campus on Saturday 13 May 2023. The day was a wonderful coming-together of the local community...

University of Reading Library at sunset

We Want To Hear From You!

We have just launched a University of Reading Alumni Survey – with the chance for University of Reading graduates to win a £50 gift card*. The University of Reading loves our alumni community – we love to hear...

A display of protest placards as part of the exhibition

Connecting The Community With Art

University of Reading art students have taken over Thames Tower in Reading town centre, with an exhibition that encourages the community to connect with one another through shared experiences, encounters and...

Final year art student getting ready for Art Degree Show

TOB1’s Last Hurrah

Students from the Reading School of Art are holding the final ever Art Degree Show in the TOB1 building this spring. Titled ‘The Epilogue’ this last ever degree show to be held in TOB1 (the current Reading School of Art...

Blue sky with clouds

Improving Reading’s Air Quality

Scientists from the University of Reading are to work with Reading Borough Council to deliver an interactive education programme in local primary and secondary schools to raise awareness about air quality. Over three...