Online Assignment
This is the assignment type to choose for exams which contain multiple choice questions, but also some questions where students need to write free text, or submit a scanned copy of handwritten work.
Create an assignment
- from your Blackboard course
- or directly in Gradescope by clicking on Assignments on the collapsible left-hand menu of your Gradescope course.
See Create a Gradescope assignment.
On the ‘Create Assignment’ screen, choose Online Assignment and click Next to proceed.
Assignment settings
Recommended settings for Gradescope coursework and Take Home Exams – Programme Administrators please contact the TEL team for detailed advice on settings to use.
Assignment Name
This should be clear and unambiguous, and for summative assessments should correspond to the assessment name as defined in RISIS.
Submission Anonymization
Tick Enable Anonymous Grading on all assessments where anonymous marking is required.
Release Date
This is like the ‘Start Date’ in Turnitin or the ‘Display After’ date in Blackboard – in other words, the time at which the assignment should become visible to students.
Due Date
Set the deadline by which work should be submitted.
Allow late submissions
Tick the box to allow late submissions.
Late Due Date
Where late submissions are allowed, set a Late Due Date – the time after which students can no longer submit.
For obvious reasons, this should be after the Due Date. -
Enforce time limit
For most exams, and some other assessments, you will want to tick this box, to set a time limit.
Maximum time permitted
If the assessment is time-limited, enter the Maximum Time Permitted in minutes.
Group Submission
Do not tick the box to enable group submission.
When done, press Create Assignment.
Please note: You can return to edit the assignments settings later if necessary.
You are now taken to the Edit Assignment screen, where you set up your assignment questions.
Creating online assignment questions
For help with creating questions, please see the Gradescope help page: Online Assignments.
Formatting questions
You can
- insert LaTeX into your questions – see the Gradescope article Writing Formulas and Equations (LaTeX)
- format question text (e.g. headings, bold, italics, bulleted lists, tables) and insert images, videos, hyperlinks using Markdown – see the Gradescope article Formatting Text (Markdown)
Page last updated on March 17, 2023 by taralehane
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