Turnitin LTI: Exporting grades and submission list

Visual indicator that this guide relates only to assignments created using the new Turnitin LTI assignment tool.

There a two key reports you can download from the Turnitin Assignment Inbox.

Grade Report

Turnitin grades will flow through to the Blackboard Grade Centre, and you can download grades from there – see Downloading Marks, and Marking offline.

But you can also export marks direct from a Turnitin Assignment Inbox.

Simply click on the Download All button and select Grade Report.

Turnitin Assignment inbox with the Download All contextual menu showing and Grade Report and Submission Report options circled.

Select Grade Report and an Excel file will be generated.

This Excel file shows

  • students’ last name, first name, email address
  • students’ Turnitin User ID – you can ignore this
  • Title and Paper ID for each submission
  • Date and time of submission

Grade Report Spreadsheet

  • Word Count
  • Grade
  • Student Viewed
  • Similarity Score, Overlaps – Internet, Publications and Student papers.

Grade Report Spreadsheet showing the headings Word Count, Grade, Student Viewed, Similarity Score

Submission List

A second spreadsheet Submission List can be downloaded and will show each student with either Yes or No in answer to the question of whether they have submitted a paper or not.

Simply click on the Download All button and select Submission List.

Turnitin Assignment inbox with the Download All contextual menu showing and Grade Report and Submission Report options circled.

When anonymity is on the names of the students who have submitted will be anonymised.

Submission List spreadsheet with submitted student's names anonymised.

Page last updated on December 8, 2023 by taralehane

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