Turnitin LTI: QuickMarks – Share Sets

This guide relates only to assignments created using the new Turnitin LTI assignment tool.

What are QuickMarks?

QuickMarks is the name used within Turnitin for frequently used re-usable comments that can be added onto a student’s paper to provide feedback. For more details, take a look at our guide on Turnitin LTI: QuickMarks – Create a set.

QuickMarks are personal to each individual marker. To make them available for another marker to use, you need to export a Set from your library in the QuickMark Manager and send it to the other person, who can then import it into their own library.

Accessing the QuickMarks Manager

To access the QuickMarks manager you will need to access a submitted paper in a Turnitin Assignment Inbox.

Open the submitted paper in the Feedback Studio, click on the QuickMarks blue tick box on the right-hand Instructor Feedback toolbar.

Feedback Studio with link to QuickMarks

From the QuickMarks panel, click the Manage QuickMarks gear icon to go to the QuickMarks Manager.

screen shot of Feedback studio with the Quick Marks panel open on the right-hand panel with the settings icon highlighted.


Export a QuickMarks Set

The QuickMarks manager will open with the “All” option selected.  Choose the QuickMarks set you wish to export (1).

Click the three dots on the top right (2) to reveal the menu and choose ‘Export set’ (3)

screen shot of FS Quick Mark Manager with a Quick Mark set selected and the menu open. Export Set is highlighted on the menu. Label 1 - selected quick mark set, label 2 three dots for menu, Label 3 Export set option.

A file downloads to your computer with the names of the set you selected. (e.g. Part_1_Essays.qms)

You can now send this file to your colleagues for them to import into their own QuickMarks Manager.

screen shot of downloaded Quick Mark set at bottom of screen.


Import a QuickMarks Set

If someone has sent you a QuickMarks Set, to add it to your library follow the instructions for exporting shown above but click on ‘Import Set…’ from the Menu.

Screen shot of 1. three dots to reveal menu, 2. Import set highlighted on the menu.

In the Upload QuickMarks Set screen either, browse and select the file. Once you see the success message you can click on Close to return to the QuickMark Manager.

Screen shot of import QuickMarks screen with the imported file successfully imported.

The newly imported QuickMarks set will be added to the list of sets in the QuickMarks Manager.

screen shot of QuickMark Manger with newly import set higlighted and scroll bar indicated

Page last updated on October 12, 2022 by andyturner

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