Online Exams Practice areas

Note: Staff can self enrol to these courses to see the content. To self enrol, please login to Blackboard, then click one of the courses listed below.

Schools or departments using “Gradescope” as one of the modes of submission for Online Exams, should create practice submission points for students in corresponding practice areas.

List of Online Exam Practice areas for 2024

If practice exam area for your school is not listed below, you can request one by summitting a support ticket via self service portal or emailing to

Note: Students have been added to these based on module enrolments, so those taking modules from more than one School will see more than one Practice course.

Students are strongly advised to make use of the Online Exams Practice courses (which will be open for the duration of the exam period) to become familiar with generic instructions they will see, to identify and address early any technical problems they may have and to have an opportunity to practise a range of submission options (including submission of hand written exams).

Staff wishing to access a Practice course

If you wish to add yourself to any of these courses

  1. Sign in to Blackboard.
  2. Return here and click on the relevant link.
  3. You will then see this page – please click “Submit” to self enrol. Or Click “Quick Enrol” in the left hand navigation menu.

Blackboard course self enrolment

The Practice courses have the following content:

  1. Announcements
  2. Online Exams information
    • Introduction to Practice Course
    • Key Points regarding Online Exams
    • Where to get Support
  3. Instructions for Online Exams
    • the generic cover sheet information which will accompany the majority of exams
  4. Academic Integrity Statement
    • a declaration on academic integrity which will accompany every exam
  5. Practice submission area
    • Practice exam papers/tests for all types of exams being offered


Page last updated on April 30, 2024 by Asif Muhammad

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