When should I engage with Blackboard module design?
It is recommended to review your Blackboard module design before the start of term, and get student feedback for further revisions later in the year. Alongside this, you should continue to adapt and update the Blackboard module as the term unfolds, to ensure users can effectively navigate and find content without needing to contact you.
For example;
- Students looking for specific resources prior to live teaching
- Colleagues / co-teachers making a timely additions or updates to resources
- External examiners requiring assessment content during a review
*Remember, it is recommended to perform a yearly check up when your module is rolling over. Whether you are inheriting an existing or new course, you will need to ensure it is ready for students and co-teachers.
How do I start?
You can assess the effectiveness of your Blackboard module by reviewing the Blackboard Threshold standards and downloading the Blackboard module review form. Adhering to the Blackboard Threshold standards not only provides effective access to content, it also:
- Enhances student engagement with asynchronous learning
- Fosters your online teaching presence
- Promotes cohort cohesion beyond the classroom
**If you are a new member of staff, check for any specific approaches or practices to the use of Blackboard on your programme/module.
What elements can I adapt in the Blackboard module?
You can adapt the following Blackboard elements for effective signposting and improved user experience:
*To prepare for a new student cohort, adapt the Blackboard elements listed in these recommended start of term communications.
Can I see examples of existing Blackboard modules?
You can request enrolment onto a colleague’s module (contact the module convenor to make a request) or *self enrol on an example module (*before clicking the link, please login to Blackboard). You will be enrolled in a student view.
CQSD TEL would like to thank Dr Emma Pagnamenta, School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, for providing the original module copy used in development of this exemplar.