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Creating Groups

Groups on Blackboard Learn Ultra allow you to create opportunities for student collaboration with assessment and activities. Groups can also allow instructors to administrate their Blackboard courses in different ways for groups of students, or apply release conditions to content.

Creating groups

To begin making groups, decide which manner of group will work best for your purposes (listed below) and then navigate to the Details & Actions side menu of your Blackboard course and select Course Groups, clicking the link for View sets & groups. 

Top menu of a Blackboard Ultra course with the groups tab highlighted

You will be on the Course Groups management page, where you can create a new group set, or import groups from another course.

ultra course group management page

Please Note: In Ultra all the groups are Group Sets. It is possible to have Group Sets with some members unassigned, therefore, you are still able to have specific groups that do not involve the whole cohort.  As in original, each member can only be in one group within a Group Set.

Custom groups

A custom group allows you to create your own set of groups and manually allocate students. You may choose this option when you have specific groups for an activity or have agreed with your students what group membership they would like.

  1. Create a New Group Set (optional name group set)
  2. Select group students: Custom
  3. Use the plus sign to add your groups
    screenshot of create group set page
  4. Return to the Unassigned students list and click on the members you wish to add to a group. Use the dot menu on one of the selected members to add them all to a group. There is also an option to create an additional group from this menu.
    Screenshot of selected members menu - it list the groups you can add the members to.

5. (Optional) name groups and add group descriptions

6. (Optional) make groups visible to students

7. Save groups

Random Groups

Randomising groups automatically assigns students into a group and can be allocated based on the total number of groups or group membership you require. You will have the opportunity to adjust the random group sets before finishing.

  1. Create a New Group Set
  2. Select group students: Randomly assign
  3. Specify number of groups needed – Blackboard will inform you of the number of students per group
    blackboard random allocation group numbers
  4. (Optional) Use dots next to student names to reallocate students if needed
  5. (Optional) name group set, groups and add group descriptions
  6. (Optional) make groups visible to students
  7. Save groups

Self-enrolled Groups

This group creation mode allows you to specify the total number of groups and group membership you require, but students will need to select their group membership themselves on Blackboard. You can set date ranges on this enrolment if you choose, with any students that do not select within the closing date being automatically enrolled into a group that is not full.

  1. Create a New Group Set
  2. (Essential) make groups visible to students

Screenshot of Self-enrol groups option - "available only for visible groups sets"

  1. Select group students: Self-enrolled groups
  2. Specify enrolment start and end dates (Optional)
  3. Set the maximum members per group

Screenshot of Self-enrol groups options, start/complete dates, Maximum number, hide members on/off

  1. Hide enrolled members (Optional)
  2. Use the plus sign to add your groups
  3. (Optional) name group set, groups and add group descriptions
  4. Save groups

See creating group sets in action: (Video)

Guide last updated on February 27, 2024

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