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Gradebook for Markers

Gradebook provides the clearest picture of what assignments are on the course and which need to be marked.

The Gradebook Overview tab in a Blackboard course allows you to quick[y see which assignments need to be marked within the course. This allows you quick access to all the marking you need to do on the assignment.

Needs Reconciling

If you are using the two markers per student assignment setting. The any instructors assigned as a Reconcilers will see the submission that require reconciling.

Reconciling is part of the two markers per student workflow. Once submissions are marked by an assigned Marker they will be designated as needs reconciling visible only to those assigned as reconcilers. The reconcilers will have the option to Resolve Now, once a mark has been resolved it will be designated as needs posting.

Needs Marking

The Needs Marking block gives you an overview of outstanding assignments which need marking helping indicate any new student work or last bits to complete a marking session. The Mark Now buttons allow you quick access to assignments.

  1. Mark Blackboard assignments, Journals and Discussions by clicking on the Mark now button
  2. Turnitin assignments will need to be opened by clicking the assignment title
  3. Assignments might appear across multiple pages of the Needs Marking overview. Scroll through the pages to find the latest assignments.
Points one to three of the Needs marking screen.

Markable Items vs Submission point

Accessing the markable items via the Gradebook leads you to the same area as the Submission Point. You can see a list of students and their submission status.

Access via the Gradebook to see only assingments, but access the assignment in context if you would prefer.

Guide last updated on October 30, 2024

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