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Ultra Document Knowledge Check

Knowledge checks allow you to add a formative multiple choice test to check students’ understanding. Students receive immediate feedback on their attempt. Instructors can view student attempt statistics.

  • Knowledge checks include:
    • Feedback: You can pre-populate correct and incorrect answer feedback
    • Student interaction: Students receive immediate feedback on whether their answer is correct or incorrect. Knowledge checks allow unlimited attempts.
    • Metrics: You have access to detailed metrics about how students are engaging with the knowledge check.

Add a Knowledge Check
Student Interaction with Knowledge Check
Knowledge Check Metrics

Add a Knowledge Check

Within the document options select Knowledge check

In a document selecting the plus sign and Knowledge check option.

This opens the Question panel.

  1. Add your Question Text.
  2. Add Options text and select the correct answer(s).
  3. Add Option creates more answer boxes where needed.
  4. Edit the pre-filled feedback to give more specific feedback to your students
  5. Save
Steps one to five of adding a knowledge check in a document.

Once you save the knowledge check you can see it within the document and which answers you marked as correct.

Knowledge check in Ultra Document with the correct answers shown.

Student Interaction with Knowledge Check

When students access the document to review materials they will be able to complete the knowledge check. They can take this check multiple times with immediate feedback and ability to correct their answers.

Students select the answers they wish and click Submit.

A student view of the knowledge check in a document. Selecting the answers they wish to submit.

The feedback immediately shows which selected answers were correct and which need to be reviewed.

Knowledge check showing which selected answers were correct and which were not. Try again button.

Students can click Try again to re-take their answers based on the feedback.

Once they have submitted all the correct answers, the test will indicate that it is all correct and which were the correct answers.

Check shown as correct with all correct answers shown.

Students can then choose to keep this for a reminder, or press Reset at any time to allow for further revision of the subject.

Knowledge Check Metrics

You can look at the statistics of the knowledge check either in edit mode, and they will be displayed above the check in the document.

This displays the number of students who took the check and the range of answers chosen, with average attempts taken.

Statistics shown with percentage of answers chosen.

Guide last updated on September 17, 2024

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