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Gradescope: Create a Gradescope assignment

Once you have set up a Gradescope course you can create your first Assignment.

You can

Create assignment from Blackboard

The are two Gradescope LTI options available via the Content Market in Blackboard, Gradescope (Course Link) and Gradescope Assignment.

Gradescope assignment options in the Content Market

Use Gradescope (Course link) if you would like to add a link to Gradescope for staff and/or students in the Course Content. Click on the plus icon to add a Gradescope link to the Course Content.

Highlighting Plus sign to add course link to Blackboard course content

Use Gradescope Assignment if you would like to set-up and add a Gradescope Assignment to the Course Content.

In Gradescope Select LINK WITH A new Gradescope assignment.

Link to new Gradescope assignment

Press Link Assignment.

You will now be taken directly to the create assignment page in Gradescope (skip to “Now choose the type of assessment”).

Create assignment in Gradescope

Go into the desired Gradescope course.

Click on Assignments on the collapsible left-hand menu.

Then on Create Assignment in the centre of the screen.

Create Gradescope assignment

Now choose the type of assessment:

  • Homework / Problem Set
    This is the most commonly used type of assignment. Students write answers by hand on paper, then scan the work and upload it to Gradescope.
  • Online Assignment
    For assessments which contain multiple choice questions – but optionally also some short answer questions, or questions where students need to submit a scanned copy of handwritten work. Similar to a Blackboard Test.
  • Programming Assignment
    For assessments submitting code.

If appropriate, you can copy assignments both within a course, and from one course to another – see Duplicating an Assignment.

Guide last updated on March 15, 2023

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