When you create a Gradescope assessment on your course, clicking on the link in the Content Market opens Gradescope in a new window.
The first time you do this, if you are an Instructor or Teaching Assistant you will see an invitation to link your Blackboard course to a Gradescope course.
Select A new Gradescope Course

A new Gradescope course will be created. The Course Number and Course Name will match the Blackboard Course ID and Name.
There is no need to change any of these settings.
Do not tick the box next to ‘Allow students to enrol via course entry code’.

When done, press Update Course.
When you first link your Blackboard and Gradescope courses, it is a good idea to Sync the Roster.
You can then proceed to create an assignment.
Editing your course settings
You can edit settings at any time by going back into the Gradescope course and selecting Course Settings from the collapsible left hand menu.

Guide last updated on January 4, 2023