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Course codes, roles and access

Course codes and roles

Blackboard course names and codes have been made as user-friendly (and short) as possible. Most modules run only once a year, and what you see in Blackboard will be straightforward.

Name: [Module Name] ([Academic Year] [Semester])

There are other scenarios that will produce more complicated codes.

The role you are assigned on a course may affect the options you have when working in the course.

Administrator Panel

Some admin privileges in Blackboard are available to specific roles such as Liaison Librarians, School Leaders and Programme Administrators.

When these privileges have been granted to you an additional option, Admin, will appear on the main navigation menu on the left-hand side in Blackboard. This button will open a Administrators Panel.

The link to the admin panel as it appears in the main Blackboard menu. A icon and the word Admin.

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Guide last updated on June 12, 2024

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