Home / Blackboard Learn Ultra / YuJa Video link

YuJa Video link

YuJa is a Learning Capture tool used to record in-class lectures, making screencasts and to provide video storage for teaching and learning.

In Blackboard Learn Ultra there are two YuJa LTI tools Videos (YuJa) (creates a link to YuJa) and Insert Video (formally YuJa Media Chooser) (allows you insert YuJa videos into the course) this guide covers YuJa Video please see our guide to embed a YuJa video on your course

The main way of collating video resources for a Blackboard course is to publish the videos to the relevant Channel. This makes the content accessible to all course members. See Publishing to a Channel. To allow students quick access to the channel from your course add a link to YuJa.

Add a YuJa Video link

There is a YuJa link in the course template.

To add the course YuJa link to your course content area Click the plus sign and select Content Market.

Add Content plus button menu selecting content market

The Content Market has a selection of LTI tools. There are two YuJa LTI tools, insert individual video and insert video channel link.

Select the plus sign in the Videos (YuJa channel) option to add the tool.

YuJa Video channel tile in the content market. Plus button in bottom right corner highlighted.

The YuJa link will be added to the Course Content.

The YuJa link will allow students to access your content in the module or organisation playlist.

YuJa Video Link in course content area

Guide last updated on July 25, 2024

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