Blackboard Learn: admin roles for Programme Administrators

There are two very similar roles designed for use by Programme Administrators and Senior Programme Administrators (the Senior role is also suitable for Programmes Managers).

The roles are given to staff for a specific Blackboard ‘Domain’ (normally a School, in some cases a Department).

Once you have been granted one of these roles in Blackboard you will see the System Admin tab.

This gives you the ability to manage courses and users within your School or Department.

In particular, you can enrol yourself and other users onto courses.

The roles are granted separately from the Grades Approval role, although in practice SPAs and PAs will normally require this as well.


For details please see these guides:

Managing Blackboard Courses

Managing Blackboard Course Enrolments

Removing Users from Blackboard Courses and Organisations


New staff

SPAs / Programmes Managers: if you have a new member of staff joining your team, please log a ticket to request the appropriate role for your new colleague.

Page last updated on December 13, 2022 by Peter Moll

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