Making a colleague the Owner of your Stream videos


All video content for Teaching & Learning in 2022/23 and beyond, which would previously have been made available to students via Stream, should be made available using the University’s new Learning Capture system, called YuJa. For more information please view our guide on “Transitioning from Stream to YuJa“.

There may be occasions where you want to make a colleague the Owner of one or more of your Stream videos. Examples are

  • if you are leaving the University
  • if you will no longer be teaching a module for which you created video content
  • if a colleague needs to use your content on another Blackboard course.

By giving another colleague ownership permissions, you enable them to manage the videos as appropriate. This would include downloading a video so that it can be moved to YuJa.

Please note

  • A colleague who is an Instructor on the same Blackboard course as you will be able to access any videos you have made available to that course – but unless you make them an Owner, they will have very limited control over your video.
  • You have to assign ownership permissions for each video – this cannot be done in bulk.

Please also see: Privacy Settings in Yuja


How to make someone an Owner of your video

Go to My Content > Videos, then select Update video details.

Update video details button on a Stream video

Under Permissions choose People from the drop-down list.

Start typing a name into the box, then press the Search icon (magnifying glass).

Select the correct person from the search results.

Adding an individual to Stream video permissions

If you wish, you can continue to search for and select more people with whom to share the video.

Make sure that you tick the box in the Owner column.

Screenshot showing how to tick the Owner box

When done, press Apply.

Page last updated on July 22, 2022 by Asif Muhammad