Turnitin LTI: Marking submissions by Group

Visual indicator that this guide relates only to assignments created using the new Turnitin LTI assignment tool.
The Turnitin Assignments by Groups feature is not part of the new Turnitin LTI.

This feature has been replaced by a filter in the Assignment Inbox which allows you to make use of Blackboard course Groups as a way filtering the Assignment inbox to show only those students in the selected group.

You could use this approach:

  • Where tutors are marking work submitted by their tutor group
  • As a way of randomly assigning papers to markers
  • Where students have a choice of essay topics, with a different marker marking each topic


Caution!Please note:

The tool is NOT useful as a way of marking group work, where each member of the group will receive the same mark and feedback – Turnitin does not currently provide a solution for that scenario. 

The Turnitin Assignments by Group feature does not work with the Turnitin iPad app. 

Turnitin Assignments filter still works when Anonymous marking is enabled.

How do I use the filter?

You do not need to take any extra steps when creating your Turnitin submission point.

However, you do need to set up Groups on your Blackboard course. This can be done at any point but will need to be done before marking has begun.

Helpful tip!

If each marker needs to mark a specific group of students, set up Manual Enrol Groups.

If the allocation of markers to students is to be random, set up Random Enrol Groups.

The Groups do not have to be made available to students - i.e. students do not need to know that they have been assigned to a group.


Accessing Turnitin papers by Group

When there are groups set up on the course a filter will appear in the Assignment Inbox between the Search and the Submit on behalf of the student boxes.

Assignment Inbox menu with All Students filter circled.

If you can not see this filter create a group on your course.

By default it will be set to “All Students” click on the down arrow to view the Groups.

Groups Filter with drop down list of groups open and on group set revealed. A group has been selected.

Hover over the right arrow icons next to a Group Set to reveal the individual groups.

Select a group. You will then see the Turnitin Inbox filtered to display only members of the selected Blackboard Group.

Group Filter with Marking Group 1 selected. The Assignment Inbox shows two students.

Caution!When you have marked a student’s paper, you should close the Turnitin viewer. Don’t click on the right or left arrows at the top of the screen, as those will take you to the next student in the class as a whole – who may not be in the group you have been assigned to mark.


There is a search box, so you can easily home in on a student by first and last name or title.


Anonymous Marking

The filter feature respects anonymous marking. When anonymity is enabled, you can still use the tool to filter the class list by group, but you will not see the names associated with individual student submissions.





Page last updated on April 28, 2022 by taralehane

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