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Blackboard Collaborate Course Room

The Collaborate course room is a permanently open Collaborate session that can be locked or unlocked depending on how you intend to use Collaborate on your module.

  • The room can be accessed via the Details & Actions menu, unless it has been disabled.
  • The room will open in a new window, participants and instructors alike access the room in the same way at a pre-arranged time.
screenshot of link to course room from Ultra course Details and Actions panel
Screenshot of Collaborate room.  The screen has a welcome message and student has use the mic, camera and raise hand options. Chat panel is also available.

What is the course room for?

The course room, being an open, unscheduled space is great for activities such as:

  • Short tutorials (one to one or small group)
  • Informal Q&A sessions
  • Student-led group meetings
  • Office hour drop-in meetings

If you choose to use your Course Room, you can Configure your Course Room for best results.

Disable the course room

The course room is listed in the menu by default and automatically open. Disabling it will prevent any confusion for students.

You can still set up scheduled sessions using Collaborate when the ‘Course Room’ is disabled.

Configure the Course Room

Open the course room settings

  • Click on the three dot menu for Class Collaborate in the Details and Actions menu.
  • Select “Manage all Sessions” from the menu
Screenshot of Ultra course Details and Actions menu with the Class Collaborate three dot menu open.  The option "Manage all sessions" has been circled.
  • The Course Room will appear at the top of the Collaborate sessions page.
  • Click on the three dots menu for the Course Room and select “Edit Settings” from the menu.
Screenshot of Collaborate Sessions page.  The three dot menu for the Course Room is open with the Edit Settings option circled.

Room Event Details

Screenshot of Course Room settings panel. a. Lock room, b. Get secure link, c. Guess access options are labelled.

(a) Lock course room

This will prevent anyone from entering the course room

(b) Get secure link

This will allow you to copy a link to the course room to email to students.

Anonymous dial in information provided.

(c) Guest access

Select this if you wish to allow participant who are not enrolled on the course.

Room session settings

screenshot of Course Room settings. labels d. Attendee Role, e. Recording options, allow downloads, f. anonymise chat, g. only show profile pictures for moderators, h. Participant permissions

(d) Default Attendee Role
Leave this on the default setting i.e. ‘Participant’.

(e) Recording
By default, recordings will not be downloadable. This is the safest setting for the Course Room.

(f) If allowing recording select “Anonymise chat messages”

(g) Moderator permissions
Leave unticked.

(h) Participant permissions – could disable these option if you wish a moderator to be present when room is used.

  • Share audio
  • Share video
  • Post change messages
  • Draw on whiteboard
Screenshot of Classroom settings

(i) Enable Session Telephony
Leave ticked.
This option allows users without audio on their computer to join a session using a telephone (Note: standard call charges will apply).

Select as desired

  • Private chat options
  • Profanity filter – hides profanity in chat messages
  • Multimedia – use AWS Chime or audio and video (for use in China)

When done, press Save.

Note: You can set up separate sessions and will have the same options available. These settings are for the course room.

Guide last updated on October 2, 2020

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