Alumni with arms around shoulders, smiling inside Park House

Reconnecting After 50 Years

Whiteknights Campus was filled with laughter, nostalgia and the rekindling of friendships as nine alumni from Mansfield Hall gathered for the 50th reunion.

On Monday 8 July 2024 Peter Handson, Agricultural Economics graduate and organiser of the reunion, waited eagerly outside Park House for the arrival of his friends. Some he hadn’t seen for almost fifty years, and some of whom he wondered if he’d even recognise.

Following this special day, Peter shared with CONNECTED his inspiration for organising the reunion and what it was like being back on campus with his 1974 cohort. We also spoke to a few of the attendees to hear what it was like to walk down memory lane with old friends.


Everlasting bonds

The reunion saw nine friends meet once again on Whiteknights Campus – Peter Handson, John ‘Jim’ Russel, Simon Johnson, Ralph Pearson, Steve Nice, Mike Heppell, Melanie Dyball, Vanessa New and Fernando Inigo. Fernando had travelled all the way from Florida for the special occasion.

Peter said: “We had a strong group of about twenty friends who bonded well and made our Reading experience so special. Another friend, Alison Wigley, had suggested the idea of a reunion back in 2021 and again in 2023, but it didn’t amount to anything. Then when Fernando announced his visit to London from Florida in 2024, it prompted me into action.

“I managed to contact about half a dozen of our ‘gang’, most of whom were very keen for a reunion. Sadly Alison couldn’t join in this reunion but she was instrumental in bringing it together.”

The reunion was a heartwarming experience for all attendees. Quantity Surveying graduate, Simon Johnson, said: “It really was the strangest thing to see people again after nearly 50 years. Everybody looked very different but once we got chatting, it was surprising to see how little they’d actually changed. They had the same mannerisms and – most importantly – the same sense of humour.”

Echoing this sentiment, Melanie Dyball, Psychology graduate, said: “It was amazing to see everyone and it was a fabulous day.

“Watching everyone’s faces seemingly becoming younger and younger as they changed into students again was a real highlight.”

Memories of Mansfield Hall

The group fondly recalled their time at Mansfield Hall. Peter said: “We had a small bar in Hall which was always busy. The nearby Junior Common Room was used regularly for discos and parties. I also remember a colour TV being a popular draw for ‘Top of the Pops’ and ‘Monty Python’.”

Simon added: “I have vivid memories of Mansfield Hall – card games in the bar and table football most evenings, gigs at the Union or at another hall of residence on Fridays and Saturdays!”

Melanie shared one particularly amusing, stand-out memory from her time at Reading: “We once had a friend –  Bam as he was known – leap out of a paper cake in a white bikini. Leaping out of cakes was all the rage back then, but the bikini was quite a surprise for everyone.”

As the group walked through the campus, reminiscing on the good times, they noticed how things have changed throughout the years – and how some things hadn’t. Simon noted: “It was reassuring to see that so many buildings were still recognisable. Of course there were plenty of new ones and upgrades – but it is great to see that those that once stood decades ago, still stand today. And how much the trees have grown was clearly noticeable throughout the campus!”

Simon found the transformation of Mansfield Hall particularly poignant. He explained: “Seeing my old hall of residence converted into flats was very sad – and just plain weird to see somebody living where my favourite part of the bar once stood!”

Encouraging others

Thinking back on the day, Peter reflected: “Seeing everyone arrive with a smile and the relief when everyone bonded instantly was a wonderful moment.”

Simon added: “It was amazing – standing in the bar at Park House and having a laugh, just like old times.”

The group all agreed they would encourage others to host reunions of their own, noting the importance of staying in touch and how nice it was to have a dedicated day to reminisce. Peter said:

“Everyone was so thrilled to have been part of it. The group left with a renewed sense of connection and some cherished memories.”

Are you interested in hosting your own reunion? Email us to find out how we can support you or, if you’ve recently had a reunion of your own, share your story with us –