
From Tokyo To Paris

Mathilda Hodgkins-Byrne’s rowing career has seen her compete at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, and she is now heading to the Paris Games later this month. But this time Mathilda has a different perspective to share with CONNECTED – that of balancing...

The Big Leagues

Following a nail-biting final for England fans, University of Reading graduate and BBC Sport producer, Phil Bigwood, chatted all things Reading and sports with CONNECTED. From winning trophies for St Andrew’s Hall, to Match of the Day, the Olympics...

From Academia to Advocacy

Connected spoke to Reading graduate, Melanie Khuddro, who has transformed her passion for community into a force for social change – helping refugees and asylum seekers. Melanie joined the University of Reading in 2012 as a History...

Headline Stories

Stepping Up For The NHS

When COVID-19 disrupted Dr James Cutlan’s medical degree, he seized the opportunity to start working early for the NHS and join the fight against the pandemic. James tells CONNECTED how he made the transition from...

COVID-19: Alumni On The Frontline

As the COVID-19 crisis continues, CONNECTED speaks to two University of Reading graduates who have been working on the frontline to fight this pandemic. Reading graduates, Sadek Alam and Adam Calthrop, are just two of a...

COVID-19: Supporting Our Students

CONNECTED looks at how the University of Reading’s Student Support Fund has been vital in helping students financially during the COVID-19 crisis.  Many students are facing unexpected physical, emotional and financial...

Fighting COVID-19 Together

From donations of webcams to hospitals, to enabling access to specialised technology, CONNECTED looks at how the University is working with the NHS and other local partners, to support them during the COVID-19 outbreak...

Our Volunteers

With the University committed to supporting the NHS during this time of crisis, CONNECTED speaks to one of our inspirational employees – Rachel Jeans – about her role as a Community First Responder. Rachel is usually...

Supporting Each Other

Vice-Chancellor, Professor Robert Van de Noort, talks to CONNECTED to share a message of support during this difficult time. It hardly goes without saying that these are challenging and unprecedented times. The global...

Books In A Modern Era

Vice-Chancellor, Professor Robert Van de Noort, talks to CONNECTED and reflects on why the Library and its books are still so important for learning and our imagination.   Modern universities are global institutions...

Art That Makes Life Worth Living

Science is important. But art is vital.  We are lucky at Reading to have such a wonderful mix of students and academics that cover both sciences and arts. We often talk about our world-class agricultural, environmental...

Supporting Our Students

Throughout November, a team of 37 students took to the phones each evening and at the weekend to say, thank you, to our generous donors and supporters.  We spoke to more than 600 graduates and for those we managed...

Inspiring New Generations

Reading alumnus and talented actor, director and producer, Terry O’Donovan, helps the next set of theatre students to take centre stage. Ever since first treading the boards at Saturday drama school, acting has played a...