
From Academia to Advocacy

Connected spoke to Reading graduate, Melanie Khuddro, who has transformed her passion for community into a force for social change – helping refugees and asylum seekers. Melanie joined the University of Reading in 2012 as a History...

Celebrating Community

Winner of the Alumni and Supporter Volunteer of the Year Award, Tomson Chauke, tells CONNECTED about his story – including moving from Zimbabwe to Reading and why helping his community means so much to him. In a world where it can feel like we...

Bridging University And Locality

We are thrilled to share that Reading graduate Peter Must, whose volunteering spans 50 years, has been awarded Alumni and Supporter Volunteer of the Year at the recent Celebration of Volunteering event. The Celebration of Volunteering brings...

Headline Stories

Job Hunting In A Pandemic

Jay Russell, Campus Jobs Manager, shares with CONNECTED the continued struggle students are facing to secure part-time work and essential income, and the difficult situation the current job market is leaving some of our...

Championing Diversity And Inclusion

To celebrate Black History Month, CONNECTED speaks to Reading graduate, Dr Joanna Abeyie MBE, about her success in championing diversity, inclusion and equality in the media and creative industries. English and...

Facing Uncertainty

Director of Student Services at the University of Reading, Dr Paddy Woodman, explains why support for students at university is crucial – especially during this particularly challenging year – and thanks the donors who...

Essential Reading

CONNECTED discovers how the University ensured students could still access the books that are integral to their studies during the lockdown last term, and the important role University donors played in this process. The...

Supporting Students In Need

Vice-Chancellor, Professor Robert Van de Noort, shares with CONNECTED why our students need help now more than ever before, as some face unprecedented financial hardship due to COVID-19.  Every year we encourage a...

Student Hardship Appeal

Right now, students at Reading are facing financial challenges – caused by the COVID-19 pandemic – which they could never have prepared for. And that is why the University of Reading is launching its latest fundraising...

A Consistent Lifeline

In 1904, the Palmer family donated London Road Campus to the University of Reading, marking the start of a long and significant relationship between the University and its philanthropic partners.  Since then, alumni and...

Transforming Lives

Launchpad – which started as a soup kitchen run by Reading students – is now Reading’s leading homelessness prevention charity. Ian Caren, the Chief Executive Officer at Launchpad, tells CONNECTED what inspired him to...

Preventing Homelessness

Vice-Chancellor of the University of Reading, Professor Robert Van de Noort, recently became a new patron for Reading’s leading homelessness prevention charity, Launchpad. This week, CONNECTED speaks to Reading graduate...

Talking Race

Led by Dr Ellen Pilsworth, the Department of Languages and Cultures at the University of Reading is proactively listening to their students and creating space to talk about race, as part of the University’s commitment...