
Tag: Events

Summer Graduation 2019

Degree ceremonies for almost 4,000 graduates took place in July at the University of Reading’s historic London Road campus.  Vice-Chancellor, Robert Van de Noort, praised their achievements saying, “alongside your...

just IMAGINE if…

Imagine having the opportunity to bring a business idea to life which has the potential to change the world for the better. That is exactly what the University of Reading, in partnership with Paul Lindley OBE, and with...

Inspiring The Next Generation

Remember when you were at college or sixth form and you came to Reading for the first time for an Open Day? Remember how terrifying and exciting it was to be on the cusp of making that huge decision about where to go...

New Alumni Groups Launched

We were delighted to organise the launch celebrations for two new international alumni groups at the end of March, as senior staff from the University joined dozens of alumni to celebrate the formation of these...