
Tag: Health

Stepping Up For The NHS

When COVID-19 disrupted Dr James Cutlan’s medical degree, he seized the opportunity to start working early for the NHS and join the fight against the pandemic. James tells CONNECTED how he made the transition from...

Reducing Pressure On The NHS

The University of Reading has partnered with local firm Red Whale to ensure General Practitioners in the UK receive clinical updates and online resources to enable them to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. CONNECTED...

Debunking Food Myths

With comfort eating becoming a preoccupation for individuals during lockdown, CONNECTED speaks to University of Reading experts about the myths surrounding appetite-suppressing foods and COVID-19 ‘miracle’ foods. Fuller...

COVID-19: Alumni On The Frontline

As the COVID-19 crisis continues, CONNECTED speaks to two University of Reading graduates who have been working on the frontline to fight this pandemic. Reading graduates, Sadek Alam and Adam Calthrop, are just two of a...

Navigating Mental Health

Mental Health Awareness Week, which takes place in May each year, is particularly salient during lockdown. To help with managing low mood and depression during the COVID-19 crisis, Reading has launched a new online...

The Power Of Smell

Do not underestimate your nose. This advice comes from Reading’s Dr Jane Parker who has joined a global team of experts to explore the potential link between loss of taste and smell with COVID-19. Dr Parker, an...

Fighting COVID-19 Together

From donations of webcams to hospitals, to enabling access to specialised technology, CONNECTED looks at how the University is working with the NHS and other local partners, to support them during the COVID-19 outbreak...

Motivating Millions

From live DJ sets to video gaming challenges, CONNECTED looks at how the University of Reading community is helping to motivate millions during lockdown. It’s not easy staying motivated during a lockdown, but here at...

Our Volunteers

With the University committed to supporting the NHS during this time of crisis, CONNECTED speaks to one of our inspirational employees – Rachel Jeans – about her role as a Community First Responder. Rachel is usually...

The PPE Debate

Should members of the public be wearing masks and gloves to prevent the spread of COVID-19? CONNECTED speaks to two academics who are helping inform the public debate. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is needed...