This academic year the EMA programme is supporting the majority of Schools to increase electronic submission, feedback and grading. The University has been using the systems and tools for electronic management of assessment to varying degrees prior to commencing the EMA Programme. For many Schools and Departments, the changes will be centred around programme administrative processes. A higher level of change may be felt in Schools or Departments where electronic marking is a new practice.

It can take time to adjust to new ways of working and new system tools, and it will become quicker and easier over time. The TEL team are providing training and one-to-one support, and guidance materials are available on our Resource Map.  There are also useful video experiences from colleagues on our Benefits page, explaining how they have adjusted to increased electronic assessment.

It is recognised that some colleagues may have concerns in relation to increased screen time or specific health related or medical problems. In order to be thorough and ensure good practice, a Disability and Accessibility Advisor was brought in last year to conduct an inclusivity review.

For Students, the review identified that electronic management of assessment will increase accessibility options for submission of assessment and receipt of feedback, and that the structures are well embedded to identify needed adjustments and ensure that all students have the same access to teaching, learning and university activities.

For staff, it was identified that the existing University support processes are suitable for assessing and identifying if any reasonable adjustments are required. Colleagues are asked to follow this process by initially undertaking a Display Screen Equipment Assessment. This may identify actions that can be taken, and if further support or advice is required then staff can speak to any of the following:

  1. DSE Advisor
  2. Line Manager (who can arrange for an Occupational Health referral, if required)
  3. HR Partner (who can advise on other available options for support)

The EMA Programme is also able to provide second screens for marking for those that require one, as this has been identified as making the online marking process easier. Please see our news article on second screen acquisition for information.