Paediatric Clinic

The clinic is a teaching and research clinic for speech and language therapy students. Students are involved in all aspects of the day to day running of the clinic, including telephone triage, assessment, providing therapy and running training workshops. Highly experienced speech and language therapists will be providing supervision as well as undertaking clinical work.

Our independent clinic is free. Children and families attending our clinic do so on the understanding that there will always be student involvement at some level.

Any parent/guardian is welcome to make a referral to the clinic by using the link below. Once we have received your completed referral form we will contact you to discuss how you would like us to help your child and if we can meet your child’s needs here at the University. In line with best practice guidelines, if your child is already under the management of any other SLT provider, with your permission we will liaise with them to ensure joined up working.

Our expectation is that parents/carers will be fully involved during clinic sessions and will carry out follow-up work at home. We also welcome members of nursery and school staff to be involved in our sessions.

Our teaching clinics will run on set days during the University’s term times; we will also be running additional clinics during the school summer holidays.

Please be aware that where there is more than one child in the family needing to be seen, each child will need a separate referral. We are unable to give priority to siblings already on our caseload or who have previously been seen.

Make a paediatric referral

Find out about research and how you can get involved

Parent feedback

“Having brought a little girl to you 13 months ago who didn’t speak, and now seeing her able to interact and communicate her needs and desires, please know that the work you do is life-changing”

Benefits of attending our clinic

  • Our students and supervising SLTs have access to the current evidence base, other expert clinicians and researchers
  • Our students enjoy having time to create and develop activities and resources appropriate for the individual child’s needs/interests
  • You are making an important contribution to training future speech and language therapists
  • We have a modern suite of clinics, incorporating observation rooms and discrete recording facilities
  • Free parking is available in designated parking bays
  • Our clinics are free

Paediatric Clinic


Adult Clinic
