Take part in research

Family perspectives on professional advice on heritage language use in the context of communication disability

  • Are you the parent/carer of a child with speech, language and communication needs (no formal diagnosis required)?
  • Do you use more than one language in your family?

Our study is looking into the ways parents/carers and their children with speech, language and communication difficulties use different languages, and parent/carer beliefs about using one or more languages in the home. We are also interested in exploring any professional advice that you have received on the use of your languages with your child.

What will I be asked to do?

In this research you will be asked a series of questions by a trained researcher in a one-to-one interview. The interview will take place in a familiar venue to you and should take no longer than an hour. An interpreter may also be present if you prefer to carry out the interview in another language.

Are there any benefits to taking part?

You will receive a £20 voucher for taking part in the interview.

To find out more, please read the study information sheet here

Contact: Emma Pagnamenta 0118 378 7675

Database of Developmental Speech and Language Disorder Profiles

The aim of the Database of Developmental Speech and Language Disorder Profiles project is to explore how children with speech and language difficulties in childhood have different profiles and how these profiles change after receiving speech and language therapy support. Families who attend the University of Reading paediatric speech and language therapy clinic will be invited to take part in the project. Participation involves completing some parental questionnaires and assessments of speech, language and non-verbal abilities.

Families who participate will receive a research report from the assessments completed as part of the project. Participation in the study does not affect the clinical care that families receive in the clinic. Taking part in this project is entirely voluntary.

To find out more, please read the study information sheet here.

Contact Emma Pagnamenta

The ways in which parents/primary carers are supported by Speech and Language Therapists to work effectively at home with their child with a speech sound disorder

This study is looking to recruit parents. Eligible parents will have a child/children under 6 years who has/had a speech sound disorder (difficulty producing speech sounds accurately). Participants’ children should be receiving speech and language therapy specifically to work on their speech sounds or they have done so in the last year. Parents will also have practiced with their children at home between appointments. Parents who participate will receive a £20 voucher as a thank you for their participation.

To find out more, please read further information and access the consent form here.

Contact Katherine Pritchard

You can find out about other research projects here.