Padlet: How do I create a Padlet?

  1. Log into Padlet at
  2. From your Dashboard, click + Make a Padlet

Screen Shot of the top menu on the left-hand side of the Padlet screen with the "Make a Padlet" link highlighted

3. Select the layout of Padlet you would like to set up.  You may want to try out a few Padlets to work out the best format for your activity.

Start with a blank Padlet screen showing a range of eight different templates to which make different types of Padlets Wall, Canvas, Stream, Grid, Shelf, Backchannel, Map, Timeline


4. The new Padlet will appear with the Modify panel on the right-hand side open.  The following steps are all in this panel, you will just need to scroll down.

Screen shot of the Modify panel on the right-hand side of the new Padlet screen. Items in screen shot are Title and Description







4a. Add your own Title

4b. Add a description (optional – though you could use this to advise students how to add a post).




Screen shot of the Modify panel on the right-hand side of the new Padlet screen. Items in screen shot are Address


4c. You can customise the URL with a short name




Screen shot of the Modify panel on the right-hand side of the new Padlet screen. Items in screen shot are Wallpaper, Colour Scheme and Font


4c. Under Appearance choose a background wallpaper from the selection or add your own.

4d. You can select your preferred Colour Scheme and Font





Screen shot of the Modify panel on the right-hand side of the new Padlet screen. Items in screen shot are Posting options


4e. Under Posting you can leave as default or change according to your needs.

New post position – setting as Last means that the first post will stay at the top.

Reactions – allows viewers to add a reaction, options are Like, Vote, Star or Grade




Content Filtering

Screen shot of the Modify panel on the right-hand side of the new Padlet screen. Items in screen shot are Content Filtering options including Profanity filter


4f. Choose the Content filtering options that best suit your need.



People and Privacy

5. Click Next (at the top right-hand corner).  You will be sent to the People and Privacy panel.

Screen shot of the Privacy and People panel on the right-hand side of the new Padlet screen.








5a. Normally set the Privacy as Secret. Never set as Public.

In some use cases you might want to set a password. For example: if you only want students to see the Padlet after a certain time, when you’ve shared the password; or if they have to do an activity in order to see the password (e.g. pass a Blackboard Test- you can use Adaptive Release to show the password).



5b. Choose whether you wish those with a link to have read only access, or to Write (recommended).











6.  Click Next (top right-hand corner) and your Padlet is ready to start posting.

Screen shot of the top right-hand menu on Padlet screen with the cog Icon highlighted to show that it opens the Modify panel



You can re-enter the Modify panel to make changes at any time by clicking on the cog icon in the top right-hand corner of the Padlet screen.




Page last updated on September 9, 2020 by taralehane