This guide relates only to assignments created using the new Turnitin LTI assignment tool.
Turnitin Changes for Programme Administrators
For all assignments with a due date of 1st August 2022 or later we will be using a new version of Turnitin that will integrate with Blackboard via a LTI integration.
This applies to all Blackboard courses for the academic year 2022/3, but also coursework resubmission and resit exams, Summer 2022.
For Administrators this will change the workflow for a number of processes.
- Setting up assignments
- Editing assignments
- Emailing non-submitters
- Enabling Moderation within 15 days with anonymity on
- Revealing Marks and Feedback to students
Setting up an Assignment
When setting up a submission point the following workflow is recommend
Create Turnitin LTI Assignment
- Set the Assignment Title, Dates and Max Grade
- Leave Instructions blank
- Complete all Optional Settings
- Save
Edit settings in Blackboard
- Add the submission Instructions
- Set Visible to Students to No (hides Grades Centre column)
- Set Open in New Window to Yes
- Submit
It is recommended to leave the Availability dates blank on the Edit page.
The Turnitin Start Date will automatically populate in the Adaptive Release rules.
Leave the Display Until date as blank. Students will require access to the submission point to check for their submission receipt.
Editing an Assignment
If you need to edit assignment settings, this may be done via Settings in the Assignment Inbox, or in Blackboard by choosing Edit from the submission point contextual menu.
Where to edit assignment settings – summary
Edit from Turnitin Inbox settings
In the Turnitin Assignment Inbox click on the cog icon to open the Settings page.
From the Settings area you can edit:
- Allow submission of any file type
- Allow late submissions
- Anonymous marking
- Attach a rubric
- Similarity Report Settings
- Exclude assignment template
Cannot edit:
- Assignment Title
- Start or Due date
- Max Grade (Points Possible)
- Instructions
Edit from Blackboard Editor
From the Blackboard Edit page you can edit:
- Assignment Title
- Points Possible (Max Grade)
- Visible to students (controls the visibility of the assignment to students via My Marks and Feedback)
- Due Date
- Instructions
- Open in New Window
Edit from Adaptive Release
Availability – Use adaptive release if need to change the assignment Start Date.
If you use Adaptive Release to hide the submission point after the deadline this will have to be revealed again after the postdate to allow students to view their feedback.
In Turnitin LTI it is possible to download a Submission List which names each student and whether they have submitted Yes/No.
When anonymity is on the names of students who have submitted are anonymised, but the non-submitters are named.
To send out a reminder to students who have not submitted you can use the Send Reminder function in the Grades Centre.
Moderation within 15 day TAT when anonymity is on
Anonymous marking works differently in Turnitin LTI, which means the barriers to Moderation before the anonymity has lifted are no longer an issue.
With Turnitin LTI the following can be performed when Anonymity is on:
- You can order by any of the column headings including by Grade even when anonymity is on.
- You can search the inbox for information in any of the columns, including Paper ID, submission title etc.
- You can download a submissions list where the non-submitters are named.
Release Marks to Students
There is no automatic “reveal grades to students on post date” with Turnitin LTI. It will be necessary to reveal the column to students in the Grades Centre as with other Blackboard assessments.
There is no Sync Grades or Roster Sync function with the LTI integration – these are no longer required.
Page last updated on September 5, 2022 by andyturner
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