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Padlet: Accessibility recommendations

Is Padlet digitally accessible? What practices should I follow when creating a padlet?

Padlet is basically compatible with screen-reader software (such as Apple VoiceOver); for example, posts can be read out aloud and new posts can be created using a shortcut.  However, screen-reader software users (and those with impaired vision) rely on padlet creators to follow these tips to create padlets that are accessible.  

Please note:

  • For a more digitally accessible experience, use your device browser instead of the Padlet app.
  • Auto-captions will display for videos linked via YuJa, YouTube etc.

For the most recent information about digital accessibility features in Padlet, see their accessibility statement.

How do I support students to participate in a padlet? 

Signpost support: There is a university Padlet support page for students, which can be linked via your Blackboard course content, such as Ultra Documents, Module Roadmap and/or Weekly plan. 

Give notice: Let students know you plan to use Padlet, you can give notice via Module Roadmaps and/or Weekly Plans, or via a slide in your PowerPoint. This allows students time to try out the tool for themselves and/or ask questions to seek support prior to use. For example,  

  • a note-taker may need to post on a student’s behalf,  
  • a screen-reader user may need time to familiarise themselves with mouse and keyboard short-cuts

Design an activity to orientate students: When introducing Padlet, consider designing a ‘low stakes’ activity so students can familiarise themselves with the tool and better understand the type of support they may require to participate.

Be prepared to adapt the padlet activity: You may find that altering the activity to pair or groupwork allows students to make posts on behalf of others, or allowing greater student interaction and more considered posts.  

Encourage students to post inclusively, and make the first post yourself!
There are some simple tips that everyone can follow which will increase the accessibility and clarity of posts, you should model these guidelines and encourage your students to follow them: 

  • Always post with a subject line

When making a post, add a subject line. The subject line acts as a heading for screen-reader users, meaning they can quickly navigate between posts. Distinct, creative and accurate subject lines benefit all users to navigate and review a padlet board. 

  • Add alt-text descriptions to images 

The image caption feature allows you to add alt-text and describe the image. 

  • Use text to describe links.

Hyperlinks should not be displayed as a long URL, instead use a meaningful link title.


Guide last updated on March 14, 2022

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