In addition to viewing assessments in the course items, using the Gradebook to view assessment gives you a structured and easy access to individual assignments and student submissions. The Ultra Gradebook allows multiple access points.
The Overview tab allows access to view all assignments that have assignment to be marked. The Needs Marking block gives you an overview of all outstanding assignments which need marking. This helps indicate any new student work or last bits to of marking to be completed. The Mark Now buttons allow you quick access to assignments which need marking. For Turnitin Assignments the whole inbox opens.
Note: If you only need to mark a sub-set of submitted work in a Blackboard Assignment, you will need to use the ‘Marks’ tab to Filter the submissions by Group. You can filter by Group inside the Turnitin Assignment Inbox.

Markable Items
Markable items is a list of all assessment on the course. You can then access each assignment inbox to mark or review submissions.

Click on the relevant assessment to view the submissions. Turnitin will open in a new tab for marking.
The Marks tab, where you can see your students in one column and their marks for each assignment in the others. This allows you to view and access individual marks for each assignment.

Hidden Items
It is possible to hide items from instructors (all staff roles) in the Gradebook via the settings panel in the Item Management screen.
If items are hidden a notice will appear in the information bar in the Gradebook, click on the link to access the Item Management screen to see which assessments are hidden

From the Item Management screen it is possible to toggle each column between Visible and Hidden.
The Students tab allows you to see a list of students on the module. Select a student and you will see the Markable items for that student. You can search for a particular student.

View a student’s marks for each assignment. You can access a students progress in the course from here as well.

Guide last updated on January 14, 2025