
A Good Life

With our summer graduation ceremonies currently underway, CONNECTED speaks to one alumnus who has been fortunate enough to celebrate graduation with Reading not once, but twice. Martin Andrews first graduated from Reading in 1976 with a degree in...

The St Pat’s Gang

Mark Ace shares the priceless feeling he got from being reunited with some of his friends a year ago – to celebrate four decades since their graduation. With our summer 2024 graduation ceremonies currently taking place, it’s heartwarming to see how...

Become A School Governor

Join us at our upcoming webinar to find out more about becoming a school governor, in partnership with Governors for Schools. School governors play a vital role in leading schools and ensuring every child gets the best education possible. Whether...


Finding Treatments for COVID-19

The University is committed to supporting research that may help discover treatments in the fight against COVID-19. CONNECTED looks at how llamas and 3D models are doing just this. Understanding more about the...

Outdoor Havens

Gardens have never seemed more precious today than during lockdown. Professor Annalisa Marzano is currently investigating ancient Roman gardens and she tells CONNECTED how important these outdoor spaces were. Whether...

Problem-Solving In A Global Crisis

Currently an advisor to a World Health Organisation Ambassador, Reading graduate Alan Court is no stranger to working with crises on a global scale, and he is now using his expertise in the fight against COVID-19. Alan...

Shifting The Goalposts

With live football currently on pause, football fans looking for something else to do during lockdown are being asked to help with research into whether players are getting taller. Sports economist Dr James Reade and...

Managing COVID-19 Within Schools

The reopening of schools to all pupils in certain year groups on 1 June has caused an outcry over COVID-19 safety concerns. Reading’s Dr Catherine Foley tells CONNECTED why it’s critical that we listen to...

Kick-Starting Business

It’s no secret that businesses have been impacted by COVID-19. To help overcome such challenges, the Henley Centre for Entrepreneurship is expanding its Business Clinic and running a virtual boot camp for budding...

Languages In Lockdown

With a fifth of UK pupils missing out on English language development as homeschooling continues, Reading’s Dr Naomi Flynn offers some helpful advice to parents and teachers. Education experts recently stated that...

The Risk Of Global Supply Chains

The UK’s battle against COVID-19 has been defined by a lack of crucial medical equipment. Professor Uma Kambhampati explains to CONNECTED how the pandemic has exposed weaknesses in the UK’s supply chains...

Predicting The Premier League

The abrupt halt on live sport has left a void in many people’s lives. With the football season currently unfinished, CONNECTED speaks to Reading’s Dr James Reade to find out what the final score might have been. Dr...

Debunking Food Myths

With comfort eating becoming a preoccupation for individuals during lockdown, CONNECTED speaks to University of Reading experts about the myths surrounding appetite-suppressing foods and COVID-19 ‘miracle’ foods. Fuller...