
Tag: History

Changing The Narrative

This week, we celebrate the achievements of our 2022 Distinguished Graduate of the Year – Charlotte Arrowsmith – who is a Deaf Actor, Theatre Director, Drama Workshop Leader, and Creative British Sign Language (BSL)...

Preserving The Past For The Future

“If you don’t preserve the past, understand it and study it, then you may as well believe anything you like.”  This week, CONNECTED speaks to self-confessed history fiend and successful museum curator, Dame Diane Lees...

Digitising Local History

CONNECTED speaks to Dennis Wood and Ian Burn – Trustees of The Friends of the University of Reading – to discover what inspired them to keep local history accessible during lockdown. The Friends was formed as an...

Redefining Success

After she delivered Reading’s first ever online Alumni Lecture, CONNECTED interviewed former Olympic rower, senior diplomat and now leadership speaker, business coach and consultant, Dr Cath Bishop. Cath shares with us...

A Postgraduate Stepping Stone

Ellie Chaston’s passion for history led her to study a Master’s of Research in Medieval Studies at Reading. Ellie tells CONNECTED why a postgraduate course was an obvious choice for her and how it opened the door to her...

Helping Those In Need

Amy Wood, Reading graduate and Midwife, shares with CONNECTED how despite her concerns about COVID-19, she found the strength to continue providing care to families in need. Amy works at the Royal Berkshire Hospital...

Keep Calm And Get Reading

Dr Holly Joseph and Dr Nicola Wilson speak to CONNECTED about how reading can be used to alleviate homeschooling worries, and help individuals keep calm during the current crisis. Book clubs and the Blitz With many of...

The History Of The Library

Students and alumni reflect on the history of the Library over the years and share their experiences and memories of the building since its opening in 1923. The history of the University’s Library stretches back well...