A picture of a phone and laptop with blank screens in a study environment.

We are pleased to report that after detailed project scoping work, in late July the EMA Programme Board approved the initiation of work to create a Student Progress Dashboard. Requirements, plans and costings were presented to the board in a detailed Project Initiation Document. This is an exciting project that will further enhance sub modular marks information recently provided to students and staff in RISIS.

The approval from the EMA Programme Board means that work can now move forward with designing and testing an online dashboard with graphical views of an individual student’s marks, and tools to help students understand and monitor their progress over time. This is a new venture for the University and so communications to students will be kept low key until work is further progressed. However, students and staff have been, and continue to be, consulted on what they would like to see. Student Focus Groups are identifying specific requirements for these tools and graphical views.

The dashboard will enable students and staff to have high quality, informed conversations on learning progress, aiding students in setting goals for their learning and supporting current initiatives like the Academic Tutor System being introduced this Autumn term.

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