Important information where multiple staff are involved in marking

When you create a Turnitin Rubric, this is added to your personal Rubric Library.

If you attach the Rubric to a specific assignment, then anyone involved in marking that assignment in the Blackboard course will be able to view the Rubric and use it when providing feedback – but it remains only in your Library.

If you go into the Edit Assignment > More Options screen and you were not the person who attached the Rubric, at the bottom of the screen under the ‘Attach a rubric/form to this assignment’ drop-down menu, you can see the title of the rubric that was attached by someone else.

Access Rubrics in Feedback Studio
Click the Rubric/Form button to use a Rubric when marking in the Feedback Studio


  • DO NOT change the rubric that has been attached if marking has started and feedback has already been entered into the rubric.
  • You can safely submit any other changes to the assignment settings without it affecting the Rubric and any feedback already entered.
  • If someone else has already attached a Rubric, you will still be able to see and use the rubric when you open a paper to start marking.

Even if you have a copy of the exact same Rubric in your Library, attaching this will detach the original copy – and remove any feedback already provided using that Rubric.

Turnitin shows a warning message if you attempt to change the rubric:

rubric already attached


We recommend that on each Blackboard course one person – either the Module Convenor or Course Administrator – is given the responsibility of attaching an appropriate Rubric or Marking Form, and no other staff member should change the Rubric settings.


Page last updated on November 19, 2018 by Peter Moll