
Tag: Education

Melting Ice and Shipping Routes

The decline of sea ice in the Arctic is undoubtedly one of the most striking signs of climate change, and a worrying environmental concern.  Reading alumnus, Dr Nathanael Melia, shows that this could make shipping...

Scholarship Helps Student

“It’s purely down to the University – and donors like you – that I’ve been able to complete my degree.”   Powerful words from any graduate, but this testament to the impact of our donors generosity is all the more...

Exploring Frozen Frontiers

One of the world’s most pioneering polar explorers, Felicity Aston MBE, was awarded the Queen’s Polar Medal in 2015.  The University of Reading alumna spoke to CONNECTED in 2017 about breaking the mould in a male...

Gain Your Own Advantage

The majority of Reading alumni may have chosen to exit formal education having graduated with a bachelor’s degree, a qualification which provides the knowledge and experience to go on to excel in the world of work...

Summer Graduation 2019

Degree ceremonies for almost 4,000 graduates took place in July at the University of Reading’s historic London Road campus.  Vice-Chancellor, Robert Van de Noort, praised their achievements saying, “alongside your...

Answers In The Rainforest

The combination of academic staff who are experts in their fields of study; opportunities to engage with subjects in distinctive ways and learning that is rooted in research and aligned with practice has seen the...

Inspiring The Next Generation

Remember when you were at college or sixth form and you came to Reading for the first time for an Open Day? Remember how terrifying and exciting it was to be on the cusp of making that huge decision about where to go...

A Climate of Action

“Why does nothing ever seem to get done about climate change?” is a question that PhD student Heather Plumpton has been battling with for years. Now an Interdisciplinary Research Fellow at the Walker Institute, Heather...

A Master Advantage in Meterology

Climate change is undoubtedly the most critical challenge facing humankind today. While the University is at the forefront of pioneering research to chart, predict and counter its devastating impact on the world; more...

Exploring Our Changing University

As the University enters its ninety-third year since the award of its Royal Charter, it is incredible to imagine how life in Reading has changed. Whether you graduated two, twenty or fifty years ago, what it means to be...