Course Management

Collection of guides: Course settings, content, permissions, groups, and course tools etc.. These guides are applicable to Blackboard Organisations as well.

Accessibility: Improve accessibility of YuJa videos

YuJa has a variety of accessibility features that are applied to your video automatically on upload. You can also improve the accessibility of your YuJa videos depending on the needs of your students. For information on accessibility features in the JuJa Media Player, see the YuJa support article: Accessibility Features in the Media Player. The

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MS Forms

Microsoft Forms is a browser-based app that allows you to create surveys, polls and sign-up sheets. You can include several question types, including multiple choice, free text and Likert scale. Question Types list: Choice, Text, Rating, Ranking, Likert and Upload File. You can review responses to your form online, present them online or export the

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Blackboard Collaborate Accessibility Guide

Blackboard Collaborate is a useful tool for delivering real-time online teaching. These sessions offer greater flexibility to bring students together by removing the barriers of distance or circumstance and enables them to engage in an interactive online learning environment. However, this learning environment may still present barriers or challenges for some students.. To minimise these

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Blackboard Learn: Guest access to Courses

The role of the ‘Guest’ role is not supported in Blackboard Ultra courses and cannot be used to provide access to a course for staff or students. Student ‘Guest attendance’ at a module The Policy statement on non-contributory modules and guest attendance (Guide to Policies and Procedures for Teaching and Learning, Section 7: Personal Development)

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Create accessible content in Blackboard: Getting started with Ally

The Blackboard Ally tool scans the content academics add and upload to Blackboard Learn Ultra, and generates accessibility scores to help identify the content (i.e. Word, PDF, PowerPoint etc. and any content created using text editor within Blackboard Learn Ultra) that could be made more accessible. It also provides guidance on how to fix each

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