
From Academia to Advocacy

Connected spoke to Reading graduate, Melanie Khuddro, who has transformed her passion for community into a force for social change – helping refugees and asylum seekers. Melanie joined the University of Reading in 2012 as a History...

Celebrating Community

Winner of the Alumni and Supporter Volunteer of the Year Award, Tomson Chauke, tells CONNECTED about his story – including moving from Zimbabwe to Reading and why helping his community means so much to him. In a world where it can feel like we...

Bridging University And Locality

We are thrilled to share that Reading graduate Peter Must, whose volunteering spans 50 years, has been awarded Alumni and Supporter Volunteer of the Year at the recent Celebration of Volunteering event. The Celebration of Volunteering brings...

Headline Stories

Ongoing Student Hardship

A record-breaking number of students have sought financial assistance from the University’s Student Support Fund during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the repeated and prolonged closures of pubs, restaurants, retail and...

Fighting For Equality

In 2006, Professor Celia Kitzinger campaigned for her lawful Canadian marriage, to wife Sue Wilkinson, to be legally recognised in England. As part of LGBT+ History Month, CONNECTED speaks to the Reading graduate about...

Equal Love

Compared to the 1980’s, when HIV emerged and homosexuality was considered a criminal offence, today’s world is shifting, providing hope of creating a safer and more accepting society for all.  As part of LGBT+ History...

We’re Not There Yet

As part of LGBT+ History Month, CONNECTED talks to Professor Alina Tryfonidou and Dr Ruvi Ziegler – co-chairs of the University of Reading’s LGBT+ network – to find out more about the support offered at Reading and the...

COVID-19: Improving Instructions

Thank you for supporting research into the effectiveness of self-administered COVID-19 antibody testing. Your generosity is enabling us to determine the safest and most accurate format for self-administered diagnostic...

Update: Reading Meets Hollywood

Last year, CONNECTED shared the news that the University of Reading was in talks to lease space at its Thames Valley Science Park to develop a major film studio and creative media campus. Now, we’re excited to announce...

Update: Student Hardship Appeal

This year has been extraordinary, in so many ways. Our students have been faced with some of the most challenging circumstances in our University history, and it’s because of our community of alumni and supporters that...

Food For Thought

Matt Tebbit, Reading graduate and Head of Casual Dining and Bars at the University, tells CONNECTED how his team has been providing students with emergency food support during the pandemic. In a term like no other...

Changing Lives

Professor Elizabeth McCrum, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education & Student Experience at the University of Reading, shares her personal experiences that have driven her passion to support Reading’s students through...

Creating A Safe Space

In January, Santosh Sinha and Dr Bolanle Adebola co-founded the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Network at the University of Reading. The aim of the network is to create a safe space for BAME individuals, and...