Assessment & Feedback

Collection of Assessment guides. i.e. Creating assignments, Managing permissions, and Marking & Feedback

Copying Blackboard Rubrics into your Ultra course

This article deals with Blackboard Rubrics, which can be used when marking Blackboard assignments. There is a different process for copying Turnitin Rubrics. You can copy Blackboard Rubrics into your Ultra course from any other course on which you are enrolled as an Instructor – whether Ultra or Original. Important: currently Blackboard does not support […]

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Create a Group Assignment

You can set up Ultra assignments for assessments where students are working in groups: Please note: Anonymous Marking is not currently possible with Blackboard Group Assignments. Defining groups to submit to an assignment When setting up an Ultra assignment, towards the bottom of the Settings panel there is an option to Assign to groups. Click

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Anonymous Blackboard assignments

When creating a Blackboard assignment, on the Settings panel you have the option to ‘Hide student names’. What are the implications of enabling anonymous marking? Submissions are anonymous When you tick the ‘Hide student names’ box, Blackboard does exactly that – all student submissions become anonymous, both to staff enrolled on the course and to

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Create Blackboard Tests

Blackboard Tests can be used as formative and summative assessment on your course. It is the instructors responsibility to create the test and ensure that it appears correctly to students. Programme Administrators will ensure the test settings are correct. Create a Test Go to the place on the course Content where you would like the

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