Third Party Tools

Most third party tool are available under Content Market or Institutional Tools, These tools are also known as LTI Tools (Learning Tools Interoperability®)

MS Teams: Making a recording

Important: Please refer to the Policy for the Recording of Teaching and Learning Activities (Learning Capture) This policy provides information on the overarching expectations for the use of Learning Capture and how recordings can be used and shared with students, plus the key legal and data protection considerations. Transition from Stream (Classic) to YuJa: All video

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Blackboard: integrating with third party tools

Introduction Blackboard is able to integrate with a wide range of other web tools Turnitin is the most widely used of these integrations. Others include Gradescope and Talis. There are also integrations with certain subject-specific tools such as Mobius (Maths) or to web-based content licensed by Schools from commercial publishers. What happens when I need a

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