RISIS Modes of Submission

When setting up module assessment details in RISIS, Programme Administrators are required to select the desired ‘Mode of Submission’.

Once RISIS-Blackboard integration is implemented, the Mode of Submission will dictate what is created in Blackboard.

In some cases e.g. for in-class tests and presentations, there are several Modes of Submission available. These exist to allow academics flexibility in deciding how marks and feedback are provided. To choose the correct Mode of Submission for these types of assessment, administrators will need to liaise closely with Module Convenors.

The following pages provide guidance on what each Mode of Submission entails.

Type of Submission RISIS Mode of submission
Electronic Document (Individual)
Essays and other text-based assignments
Electronic Document (Individual – Blackboard)
Essays and other text-based assignments, where Turnitin is not suitable e.g. large files, multiple files
Blackboard assignment
Electronic Document (Individual – Blackboard – rolling deadlines)
Essays and other text-based assignments, where Turnitin is not suitable e.g. large files, multiple files; and where separate groups have a different deadline.
Blackboard Assignment (rolling deadlines)
Electronic Document (Group Work) Blackboard assignment (group)
Digital Submission
Linking to work created and stored on an external platform
Presentation (Individual) – Blackboard Blackboard presentation/ performance
Presentation (Individual) – Turnitin Turnitin presentation / performance
Presentation (Uploaded or Verbal feedback) Blackboard presentation / performance – manual feedback
Presentation (Group) Blackboard presentation / performance (group)
Physical Entity Submission
Physical hand-in of artwork, models, Lab books etc. Feedback provided via Turnitin.
Turnitin physical entity submission
Physical Entity Submission (Group) Physical entity submission (group)
Physical Entity Submission (Non-electronic)
Physical hand-in, feedback provided offline or via Blackboard.  Includes in-class tests completed on paper.
Blackboard physical entity submission – non electronic
Video assessment (Individual) Video assessment (Individual)
Video assessment (Group) Video assessment (Group)
Duplicate submission (Turnitin)
Typically for dissertations when both an electronic and printed copy is required
Turnitin duplicate submission
Duplicate submission (Blackboard)
To be used in exceptional circumstances only e.g. to support staff with reasonable adjustments
Blackboard duplicate submission
Blackboard Journals Blackboard journal
Blackboard Portfolio Blackboard portfolio
Blackboard Test Blackboard test
Blackboard Wiki Blackboard wiki
Blackboard Blog Blackboard blog
Blackboard discussion forum Blackboard discussion forum
Multipart submission Multipart submission
Flexible assessment pattern Flexible assessment
Gradescope Gradescope coursework
For use where no other appropriate mode of submission is listed e.g. Maple TA, Campus Pack
Externally hosted assignment (Study abroad) Externally hosted assignment
Exams scripts (centrally bookable exams) Hard copy – hand written (exams only)

For Online Exams:

From  Summer 2020 onwards, the Integration rules have been amended so that it is possible to send exam marks direct from Blackboard to RISIS for Online Exams. For online exams where an IC column is required, please ensure mode of submission is set to MC03, otherwise an IC column may not get created.

Page last updated on April 25, 2024 by Asif Muhammad

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