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Turnitin is a web-based e-assessment tool that is fully integrated into Blackboard. It allows for the marking of electronically submitted assignments.

It can be used to:

  • Mark and provide feedback on students’ work online (using the Feedback Studio)
  • Automatically check the originality of students’ work (using the Similarity Report).

One Turnitin assignment submission point can be used to perform either or both of these tasks.

Using Turnitin is an efficient and convenient way to handle the submission and marking of formative or summative coursework by individual students.

Turnitin provides the following features:

  • Single file submission up to 100MB
  • Anonymous marking
  • Inline grading (on-screen view of the submitted assignment with the ability to annotate the paper)
  • Reusable comments (called QuickMarks)
  • Offline marking using the iPad mobile app


Set up and guidance

Setting up a Turnitin assignment

Deleting a Turnitin Assignment

Formatting Turnitin instructions for greater impact

Handling multiple markers in a Turnitin assignment

Using the Turnitin Assignments by Group feature to mark particular sets of student work.


Marking and feedback

Access Turnitin assignments


Using the Feedback Studio interface

Overview of the Feedback Studio

Turnitin Feedback Studio overview

Feedback Studio Instructor User Manual

Turnitin: Add summary feedback and grade

Turnitin: Feedback Studio – add audio feedback

Turnitin: Use a Rubric to provide Feedback Summary and Grades

Turnitin: Using a Grading form to provide feedback summary and grades


Turnitin: QuickMarks – Create a set

Turnitin: QuickMarks – Share Sets

Using Turnitin Rubrics and Grading Forms to mark and provide feedback

see Turnitin Rubrics

  • What are Turnitin rubrics?
  • Using Turnitin rubrics to mark and provide feedback
  • How to Export and Import Turnitin Rubrics
  • Duplicating a Turnitin Rubric
  • Turnitin Rubrics – who can see them and where?


Administrative tasks and assignment settings

Submitting work to Turnitin on behalf of a student

Hiding provisional Turnitin marks and feedback

Anonymous marking in Turnitin

Downloading files from Turnitin

Use Roster Sync to show students in a Turnitin assignment

Use Sync Grades to push marks into the Grade Centre

Including Turnitin assignments in a Weighted Total or other calculated Grade Centre column

Importing and attaching a Rubric – see Turnitin Rubrics


Statistics and Reports

Class usage statistics

In the Turnitin assignment inbox click on the Class Stats tab to download a CSV file containing submission, similarity and grading statistics for the assignment.

Turnitin Class Stats tab

GradeMark Report

The GradeMark report shows summary statistics about the QuickMarks and Rubric (or Grading Form) used to grade an assignment. You can access the GradeMark report for any Turnitin assignment from the assignment inbox. The report gives a summary for each student, but also allows you to see, for example, how well the class as a whole has performed against each rubric criterion.

N.B. The Rubric report will show rubric usage across the whole class, by all markers on the assignment.
However the QuickMark report shows only those QuickMarks which are in the library of the person running the report – so is of limited use where an assignment has multiple markers.

For more information see the GradeMark Report page on the Turnitin help site.


Peer Assessment in Turnitin

PeerMark is a peer review assignment tool available within Turnitin. Instructors can create and manage PeerMark assignments that allow students to read, review, and evaluate one or many papers submitted by their classmates. With the advanced options in PeerMark, instructors can choose whether the reviews are anonymous or attributed.

Turnitin PeerMark Assignment Guide



See Marking work on an iPad


Error messages

What to do if you receive an error message using Turnitin


Student guides

A student’s guide to Turnitin

Student guide to reducing file size for online submission

Turnitin Feedback Studio – Student User Guide (Turnitin website)

Student guide to accessing feedback in Turnitin Feedback Studio


Page last updated on March 3, 2020 by Peter Moll