Course Management

Collection of guides: Course settings, content, permissions, groups, and course tools etc.. These guides are applicable to Blackboard Organisations as well.

Create Folders

Features of Folder Folders are a way organising materials on an Ultra course or organisation. They can be used in conjunction with Learning Modules and Ultra Documents. See the guide Content Containers in Blackboard Learn Ultra for more details. A Folder cannot contain a Learning Module. When Progress Tracking is on Folders can only be

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Create a Learning Module

Features of Learning Modules Learning Modules are a way of organising materials on an Ultra course or organisation. They can be used in conjunction with Folders and Ultra Documents. See the guide Content Containers in Blackboard Learn Ultra for more details. Learning Modules can have an image uploaded to enhance their appearance. A Learning Module

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Course Banner

What are Course Banners and why would I use one? By default, Blackboard will provide a thumbnail image for your course or organisation, which displays when users view the Courses or Organisations page as tiles, rather than as a list. Please note that this stock image will not be able to be used as a

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Using Groups in Learn Ultra

Groups on Blackboard Learn Ultra allow you to create opportunities for student collaboration with assessment and activities. Groups can also allow instructors to administrate their Blackboard courses in different ways for groups of students, or apply release conditions to content. Creating groups Importing and exporting groups Using groups with assignments Using groups with content and

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Insert Video Content using YuJa

YuJa is a Learning Capture tool used to record in-class lectures, making screencasts and to provide video storage for teaching and learning. In Blackboard Learn Ultra there are two YuJa LTI tools Videos (YuJa channel) (creates a link to YuJa) and Insert Video (YuJa) (formally YuJa Media Chooser) (allows you insert YuJa videos into the course) this guide covers Insert

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Manage and enrol users

Students enrolled on a module in RISIS (the University’s student records system) will automatically be enrolled in the appropriate Blackboard course. This means that normally you should not need to manually add students to your courses in Blackboard – but please note this automatic process runs once a day (overnight) and at the start of

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